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Mike the Pike

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Posts posted by Mike the Pike

  1. It's about time we get out of there. God we can't afford it, we are broke with an enormous dete. And we are losing precious lifes.


    Do you think you can find many Afghans willing to give their lifes for Canadians? That is saving them and not tying a bomb around their neck and walking into a market full of women and children.



    Well said time to get out of there too many canadians being killed.Our equipment is too old and out of date.The latest is tanks that reach up to 60 celcius inside during summer months.No airconditioning. :wallbash::(

  2. Well with mother nature being a bit confused I thought I would share some pics of spring or winter.

    I arrived thursday night to visit my mom in Northbay.

    Friday I drove up to Powasson to meet our very own Nippissing(Bernie).


    It was a pleasure to meet Bernie who is a true gentleman who took the time to show me his family run business.


    Got to see meet his parents and daughter a fine family indeed.

    We toured the shop where I saw some nice crestliner boats.Many different motors ,Mercs,Evinrude,Johnson,Honda,many more.


    Now I understand why Bernie likes his Evinrude E-Tech.He has them all and can pick what ever he needs.


    Next was Bernie showing me how to make Jigs with molds and powder coating.Fast and simple.Got some Jig secrets from Bernie sorry I can't share those.


    The highlight of my day was the tour of the boat house where Bernie's family has been building Cedar boats since 1920.Some of these wooden boats had deeper hulls on them than my Lund.Breath taking visit hand built craftmanship.


    I know some of you have seen some of these pics but I thought some of our new members would like to see the boat building.


    Once again thanks Bernie!!!!! :clapping:




















    Next was a walk in the woods behind my moms place in Bonfield.These logs you see in the picture were downed trees from a wind storm last summer July 17 2006.Hard to beleive these trees were uprooted.There were micro bursts of wind reaching winds of 180kph. you can see some

    of my other pics of downed trees from that storm.



    Me and my kids and cousin Cody on the far right.





    The Mrs and yes it is really cold.



    Now that all our teams are gone lets go have a beer together at Don Cherry's place.





    Signs of spring to come.



    My wife,my son and cousin Cody.


    Hope you enjoy the pics .Let the thaw of spring begin :worthy:



  3. I was out on saturday on a foot of good ice. South of North bay. The fishing was unreal!!




    I was in Northbay this weekend stopped at a local bait shop to try and renew my ontario fishing licence.The owner of the bait shop told people were going out saturday on Trout lake ice fishing.From what I could see Trout Lake was frozen solid and it looked safe to me.MTP

  4. Ok I am a little too late for the congrats for the leafs but Congrats to you leaf fans eventhough it was temporary.I know the habs have got first dibs on the many golf courses.


    Now enough said bring on the spring and let the fishing begin :Gonefishing:

  5. I'm thinkin both teams can get a group rate on some course Mike !


    I bet they are all pretty good at golf.They could buy there own Golf course with those salaries .Gone are the days when players played for the glory of the game. :blink:

  6. Well I am a Habs fan win or lose I never put them down when they lose always support them no matter what.I hope they make the playoffs but reality is they won't go far in the playoffs.I would like to see the Stanley Cup come back to Canada.


    come the month of May fishing will be my priority not hockey.



    Saturday night ...GO HABS GO. :P:thumbsup_anim:

  7. Well got into Northbay last night around midnight the drive took me 7hrs from Montreal due to snow squals beginning after Ottawa.Why did I take the snow tires off <_< .I thought I left the snow in Montreal and here we have a deep freeze with more snow. :wallbash: Oh well lets make the best of it.Winter yes I am Canadian :canadian:

  8. Mother nature dumped on us again :stretcher: and I actually pulled out the snowblower this morning man the snow was very heavy.


    Aplumma don't say sorry for cutting the grass its nice to hear someone has nice weather.We will feel sorry for ya during hurricane season.


    This is what we got :wallbash:








    Just like Lew I took my wife's snow tires off the van she was not pleased with me this morning.


    I am driving up to Northbay this evening so hopefully all is clear going up.


    Ok winter go away. :devil::angry:

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