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Everything posted by outdoor

  1. Thanks all, The weathers even looking good. Hopefully I'll have something to report back
  2. Trying to get out the the niagara on Sunday if the weather co-operates. Never been successful there. Any species or tactic advice would be appreciated.
  3. Thanks Guys, I tried to get out on Sunday but got blow off, going to try it again this weekend. I've got a basic understanding how to use the riggers, I'm sure once I get it sorted out it will be worth the investment. Thanks again
  4. So I've just got my new boat and installed 2 Scotty riggers. I've never fished with riggers before and am looking for some advice on use, any tricks. I'm hoping to get out this weekend to play with them. I'll be launching under the Hamilton Skyway, any areas or depths I should be targeting? Spoons Flies??? Sorry guys, I'm just really new to this but I value the advice I get from the board.
  5. Does anyone know of an open boat launch in the Hamilton - Dunnville area? I'd really like to start breaking in the new motors.
  6. I'm hoping to get out for some eye's if there around, any help would be appreciated.
  7. Canadian Tire had a 2 pack on sale a few weeks ago, $109 for the pair, their only 1.2 mp cameras but they take OK pictures.
  8. I've stayed there many times, the fishing is tough but the place is great. Our last visit was with 14 of us in an adjoining cottage, Fantastic hosts.
  9. I'll be launching at Steve's at daybreak, let's hope it warms up a touch.
  10. We stayed at Auld Reekie for a week in August 07, great facilities, really nice owners, but the fishing....... We averaged 8 hours a day on the water with only very small bass, 1 small eye the whole week. took a hike to a back lake that was lots of fun for the boys and had nonstop action with the bass and a nice shore lunch, albiet they were all small but we had a great week. The weather sucked but no fault of the owners!!
  11. I hear ya, I did a disc brake conversion on it and the original wheels wouldn't fit back on so I had no choice. I'd love a Bee but looking for a 'Cuda. With a two car garage it's a shame to have an empty stall.
  12. I'll keep my '66
  13. Thanks, Spiel, the last time I tried to launch there in the fall it was closed. Maybe they were fixing it up or something. I ended up having to go all way back to Grimsby. Hopefully it will be open on Sunday to get the lines wet.
  14. Thanks for the tips but where can I launch at?
  15. Can anyone give me directions and pointers for the lower Niagara? I generally fish for Bass but thought I'd like to give the Niagara a try. I'm guessing spinners and spoons are the lure's of choice. Any info would be appreciated.
  16. I got out in 89B for a few hours yesterday, saw a nice doe but the sun was going down and it was a bit too dark for a clear shot. It was good having my kid with me though, he got all excited but it was a lesson learned for him on ethics. I saw in a previous reply where someone commented that archery was closed mon-fri, check the regs, it's shotgun until Dec 7, after that archery re-opens.
  17. I've got a small panel and love it. I only hook it up when I'm out on the water and it's keeps the 42 lb trolling motor going all day. 2 more sleeps until Gowganda!!!!
  18. I know the area well, If you would like to fish from shore on the grand, cross at the York bridge and park (on 54 between Caledonia and Cayuga). About a 2 minute walk to the mouth of the Mackenie Creek. The action should keep you busy for a while. If you need other areas PM me.
  19. Anyone know where I can launch in the Grand Near Erie this weekend?? I usually launch at Maitland but I'm sure the dock is out.
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