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Angry Esocid

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Everything posted by Angry Esocid

  1. As somebody mentioned earlier, the best thing to do is to get 1 or 2 of those plastic bait stations you see along industrial buildings so you can safely put some poison outside. I think I've seen them before at some Home Hardware, Canadian Tire, etc., or you can sometimes buy them from a pest control office. The blocks of poison are secured inside so they can't be dragged out, and cats, etc. can't get to the poison inside. The poisons you get in the store (one with bromidialone is best) don't build up a lot in fatty tissue, so a cat, etc. would have to eat a lot of voles before it's dangerous. In 6 years in pest control this is the easiest, most effective and safest way I know of. There's other stuff you can try, like deterrents like ammonia or cayenne pepper, but I don't find they work that well. This will work for voles, but not for moles. Snap traps really shouldn't be used outside, they can really hurt other wildlife like birds, the cat, etc. good luck
  2. So glad you were there to stop them! Your neighbours must have been so grateful. Hate people sometimes, and they're teaching this to their kids, it's dispicable. Randy from Sturgeon, I don't think you were cruel. Not sure how I'd react if it were one of my cats... I also agree cats should be kept inside; they don't need the exercise that dogs do, and it's safer for them (and songbirds).
  3. Congratulations, that's very exciting! And remember they picked you for a reason, I'm sure you'll do great.
  4. Spinnerbait on Severn River
  5. I've heard that about them, that their slime is almost like tar and really hard to get out, I didn't know they stank too. Thanks for the tip! Still no eels yet though...
  6. Sorry about your loss... it's a difficult thing to do but sounds like you did the best thing for her.
  7. Hey everybody, I've been working with a conservation authority in Eastern Ontario doing an American Eel population survey. We just started, and have only done a few sites in the Ottawa and Rideau rivers so far and no eels yet. They were once abundant in these areas, but sadly are now endangered in Ontario. So I was wondering if anybody has caught any in these watersheds, or knows of any being caught in the area. I joined this site a couple of months ago and have really enjoyed the articles and opinions posted on here, and thought it wouldn't hurt to ask around and possibly help narrow our search! Thanks!
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