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12 Volt Man

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Posts posted by 12 Volt Man

  1. don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the show. like I said, I got a new curado 200i PG which I can't wait to use.


    one thing I loved was being able to play with all kinds of rods and reels that just aren't at any one retail location.


    I especially loved the feel of the new G. Loomis E6X walleye rods. they are sweet.


    but it was much smaller than the last time I was out (a few years ago) when Fishing World was there (I know Steve there) and other retailers.


    JB's had the largest display (as they are very close to the hall) and I ended up buying the curado from them. no one else seemed to have the PG (5.5:1) power version I was looking for. everyone had the faster gear ratio models.

  2. I went with my Dad and his buddy. Compared to a few years ago there was far less retailers there.


    eg. no le baron, no fishing world, no Sail, no Gagnon sports etc.


    we still enjoyed it even though it was mostly boating displays and the cottage stuff.


    I ended up getting a Curado 200i PG from JB's Fishing Depot display for my Loomis E6X 843c Mag Bass that Santa brought me.


    it wasn't on sale but i was happy none the less.


    Dad bought a fenwick methods travel rod (no tax) and his buddy bought a fenwick fly rod.


    so none of us went home empty handed. not a bad way to spend a morning, even if there is less fishing retail displays and less deals to be had.

  3. the reason that some E6X rods balance out and some don't (with and without the reel) depends on the particular series of E6X rod.


    loomis talks about this somewhere on their website. the swing weight they call it.


    eg. the mag bass E6Xs are not tip heavy at all, yet others like the crankbait rods are.


    this is because it is meant to be fished tip down if I recall.


    loomis isn't getting sloppy or careless. each rod series in the E6X line has different balance points on purpose depending on the technique. I assume the reason some of the rods like my MBR are well balanced (not tip or butt heavy) is because they are all purpose rods.


    at least this is what I assume. loomis isn't going to design a sloppy balanced rod on purpose all of a sudden. even if they are the cheapest loomis rods out there. they are still well designed.


    to corroborate this theory, its worth noting that the new IMX bass rods have the same balance points and I have heard people complain. and they are almost $400 rods here. in their review on tackletour of the new imx rods, they mentioned that they seem tip heavy without a reel, but when you put a reel on (they used the curado) it all works.


    so there is a method to their madness.

  4. I have two travel rods, both 7 foot med power fast action. and both 3 peices.


    the Loomis Escape 7 foot med spinning rod (amazing rod, worth the investment if you travel often)


    St. Croix Premier 7 foot med power. also very good.


    one thing to consider that is good is that the Loomis Escape 7 footer fits in its travel tube that is small enough to fit in a standard 29" large size suit case.


    the st. croix does not as the rod tube is a bit longer that the broken down rod.

  5. I have never been to cuba but have had good success fishing in the bahamas for bonefish with jigs, and in the caribbean (Antigua) casting 1/2oz saltwater Rat L Traps (order online).


    I use a 3 peice travel rod and a 4000 size shimano spinning reel spooled with 12 pound test mono.


    I do use a wire leader as a lot of saltwater fish have teeth.


    last January in Antigua I hooked something huge on a Rat L trap, took out of ton of line and cut me off in some dock pilings. never saw the fish lol but thats life.


    bottom bouncing hair jigs works well too. esp for bonefish and in cuba there should be tons!


    good luck!



  6. Hopefully their storefront is as good as their online stuff.


    I have ordered from them online in the past many times and found their shipping to be prompt and their customer service to be excellent, esp when I have had to return stuff or file a warrantly claim (eg. on a broken cabelas travel rod ).


    nothing but good things about the online experience with them


    hopefully the actual store can measure up

  7. ^



    what I really like about the rapala rippin raps vs all the other lipless crankbaits is that their finish holds up extremely well, they seem to cast even better for their weight and they seem to run a little more shallow than your typical lipless crank (as compared to say a rat l trap or rattlin' rapala) which allows you to fish shorelines and submerged weedbeds a little easier than with your typical lipless crank.


    I am a big fan of these baits. esp. the white colour. its dynamite.


    last fall I caught a huge salmon on the 1/2oz version, also in white.


    I'm hooked LOL

  8. Hi all, just wanted to share 2 pics of my recent PB smallmouth bass, caught on a rippin rapala 5/16oz white crankbait.


    I didn't have a scale, but it was very long and super fat. I figure over 4 pounds??


    man, those rippin raps are HOT!


    -12 Volt

    Huge Smallmouth compressed.JPG

    Huge Smallmouth Compressed2.JPG

  9. the biggest problem I have with this is what was alluded to earlier in the thread:


    it seems the attitude of some is that if you are fishing at all for anything before the end of june,


    you automatically must be targeting OOS bass and you will have muskie lures with large treble hooks thrown at you..



  10. the one thing that has really bugged me about the whole Ford story is that for months before the proof of the crack video, Ford was attacking the media claiming they were lying, it was a witch hunt, slander etc etc etc.


    and it was all true and they were correct in their reporting all along.


    where is Ford's apology to the media?


    The fact that he has finally admitted that he has a problem and is seeking help goes a long way in my books.


    you do realize the only reason he is going to rehab is because he is trying to get re elected and it looks good right?


    this should not go far in anyone's books because he is only doing this now because of the ballot.


    he got caught and he needs to try and get sympathy. its crap.


    if he wasn't running again he wouldn't be in rehab.


    he would just be doing the 'im sorry' angle he has done 10000x before..


    luckily most people seem smart enough now to see right through the Bull.


    he needs to resign.



  12. yup. I also work in the field. Raw sewage is 99.9 percent water at full strength. contrary to the chocolate pudding like stuff they show in the comedy movies LOL.


    with rain effect high flows, its super dilute with rain water.


    fact is, municipalities cannot build treatment plants with the tankage to handle the few big rain events we have per year. doing so would cost a fortune as mentioned (not to mention land use etc) and for most of the year that capacity would not be in use. in addtion, certain treatment process steps are a 'bottleneck' and can only handle so much flow through at a time.


    at our plant, we only 'bypass' a few times per year (either heavy rains or rain events with snow melt)


    typically, bypass flows only occur when our plant flow are 3x our normal capacity. so we have 3x as much water trying to come through the system at these times compared to what the plant is designed to handle.. its insane. and busy lol.

  13. to be fair here, the mistake was not made by either doctor.


    family doctors and specialists do not interpret Ultrasound/ CT results.


    this is done by a radiologist, who then sends their interpretation in the form of a report to the physician issuing the request for the tests.


    so, yes a radiologist potentially made a mistake.


    but it was not either doctor's fault by the sounds of it. they are reporting what they were told.

  14. very nice. we are going there in January. I have been many times and have caught lots of fish using a 3 peice travel rod that I bring down. mainly on crank baits/rapalas. Rat L traps work very well casting in the surf off the beach. I am looking foward to trying the new Rippin Rapala lipless bait too, in the white colour (1/2oz size) I have never caught anything big yet, but I have seen 4 foot snook, a jack creavalle as big as a table and 6 foot tarpon in Jolly Harbour Marina before. I have caught lots of snappers, cuda and jacks. Ladyfish too. but nothing over a few pounds.

    I plan on beating the curse and hooking into something big on this next trip. I haven't been in 10 years so I am really looking forward to going back to the island.

    I am looking to hook into some bonefish if possible using jigs off the beach. When I was on my honeymoon in 2012 in nassau bahamas I caught bonefish using jigs off the beach and it was amazing. insanely strong for their size!

    half moon bay is awesome. great waves and good snorkelling off the far end of the beach.

    have a great trip and post a trip report with fish pics!

  15. hang on: he FIRED his chief of staff for asking him to get help back in may.


    what does that say about Mr. Ford?


    not much sympathy from me.


    he called the media maggots for reporting the 100% truth and fired those around him who wanted him to get help.


    exactly like Lance armstrong did: destroy those who said he was on drugs, then he comes out and says he was on drugs after all.


    Ford sounds like a person truly deserving of our sympathies.




    he is not an angel wrestling with demons like some portray him to be.


    he is a real jerk wrestling with demons.


    big difference.

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