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Posts posted by bongo

  1. Oh Johnnybass changes his mind now, Uruguay might go on, you were just making fun of them last night, what's the matter you found out that there is one guy on the team that has an Italian last name? LOL :whistling:



    Italy is out, that's it you have no more say in the matter, lol. just teasing you

  2. Heh, they're already calling this the "WW2 Cup"


    The French and Italians surrendered early, USA doesn't show up to play until the last 15 minutes of the game and the English are left to face the Germans. :rofl2:



    You got a good point, but you forgot the Ruskis, they are not in there

  3. Like I said. All teams do it. So dont single out the Italians. Did I not accept defeat?lol


    What is that? its just like the Portuguese that go fro Brazil when their team is out, claiming Brazilians are Portuguese.


    USA?? Uruguay?? Japan?? Win the world cup????You must be joking.




    Trust me it could happen, just like Italy won it before and came out last this year, lol, but the two teams i'm rooting for are Argentina and Germany :thumbsup_anim:


    And Argentina is not Italy, it might have a 15 or 20% Italian population, but most of Argentina is Spanish, the rest Eastern European, Middle Eastern, and others, I guess like other North American countries


    Now tomorrow's games are Uruguay vs. South Korea and USA vs. Ghana


    don't be surprised if Uruguay and USA move on to the next round

  4. Name a team that doesn't dive. You think the Slovaks weren't killing time at the end of the game faking injuries? And to use up all your substitutes to kill time? Its part of the game but all this spells bad sportsmanship. Unfortunately, they all do this and it is part of the game.


    Slovaks played well, but I think the real reason we lost is bad goaltending. If Buffon wasn't injured and was in net? NONE of those goals would have been in. 3 BAD goals. As bad as our team played? We would have still chipped in a goal.The second reason is bad coaching.


    We had one of the easiest divisions and we blew it. I didn't expect Italy to win, bujt they should have advanced to the next round. Oh well, we will wait for the next WC. Unfortunately most of the veterans will not be there....





    Yes everyone noticed how the Slovaks killed time at the end of the game, you know what gooooood!!!!


    Now the Italians understand how annoying it is when someone does it to them


    Just because you are Italian, you gotta support your Italian Heritage (Italy), okay good but except defeat, Italy is not the best. And when you mentioned Argentina, you said that because there lots of Italians in Argentina you are rooting for them, what is that man???


    I support Argentina because they are a great football team. Same goes for Brazil and Portugal, everybody is sick of the cockiness. People want to see a team play like a team, not a bunch of showoffs. And a good example of that is Germany, Argentina, Netherlands, Japan, USA, and Uruguay.


    Expect to see one of those as champions

  5. I'm 90% sure the Germans will beat the English. Germany can beat anyone in the world @ any given time, including Argentina. That Argentina backfield could crack at any given time.


    People consistently under-estimate the Germans as they're not flashy. Germany is balanced. This time around they are young and Ozel is ridiculously good. The Ballack injury was an absolute blessing (and I say this as both a Chelsea and a Germany supporter). I'm not saying we're going to beat Argentina should we both get there, but the game will be extremely close and hard fought.



    I'm not underestimating Germany, they are powerful, they run as hard as the African teams, and have amazing ball passing. But Argentina has been waiting for this moment for the past 20 + years, and that short little Messi guy, lol, has amazing aim not to mention the rest of the Argentinians.


    Anyway, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, and the Netherlands are all powerful teams this year :clapping:

  6. The Dutch always unravel. At the last Euro they looked more devastating before falling apart in a 3-1 defeat against the Russians (who couldn't even qualify for the World Cup). The Dutch will fall apart somewhere along the way, and their defensive incapabilities will catch up with them.


    The Argentinians could very well win this tournament and they seem more passionate than I have ever seen them, and love him or hate him, I credit that much to Maradona. He has easily been the most entertaining manager to watch. Like the dutch, Argentina suffers a bit in the backfield, but they have more firepower than anyone else in the tournament. They'll be relying on that out-balancing the subpar backfield (which is still significantly better than Hollands)



    Definitely Argentina and the Netherlands in the end, glad Italy and Greece are out too much drama!!


    Also, Japan, USA, and Uruguay have played some superb Football

  7. A lot of upsets in the first round, it happens every time in the world cup, but everybody knows that Argentina will take it this year :), and I don't know what Germany was doing losing to Serbia, they are going to obliterate the next team, Germany is a really strong team

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