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Posts posted by bongo

  1. Maybe you can come here instead....we can crack open a beer and bid each other a Shana Tova.



    Don't forget to have your apples drenched in honey, lol Maybe head over to Yittzi's for a corned beef sandwich, lol


    Shana Tova

  2. Thanks Rapala boy, but did you not pay attention to the other posts about Salmon?? Those who know when Salmon make their early runs, don't need to know from someone else, or don't need the whole world showing up at the local river, what's the point, you would do better for yourself if you keep this information secret.


    I already caught a few chrome salmon, a week and a half ago, but trust me it's better keeping quiet until late September



  3. this one is for bongo. Its a forum. And like i said i fish up north mostly. What is wrong with helping out another angler, i never asked what people were using or how deep or anything else. No wonder why you are single, lol.



    This one is for Bongo, yap yap yap, what are you a little kid, seems that way. Dude how'd you know i'm living the single life, did your wife tell you?


    All I meant to say is that, find out if Salmon are running yourself, like a true fisherman. This site is for techniques if at all, not for locations and spots.

  4. Honestly, why do people actually think others will tip them off when it comes to catching salmon early in the season???


    You wanna know if they are running, then go check it out yourself like any other avid angler. Nobody wants to show up at a local river, and expect total chaos there.



    And what is this other post about "netting salmon without fishing for it" is it legal? Of course it's not legal and so is snagging salmon in the mouth on purpose, if an officer sees you doing that I'm guessing you'll get fined for it. Does anybody read the regulations, that's what they are for!!!!

  5. Rivers are incredibly warm this year on GBay, I wouldn't waste my time there for at least another 3 or 4 weeks. When people stated that they have seen Salmon run up the Notty in past years in late July and early August, usually meant that the river's temps were cool. Salmon need oxygenated water to come up the rivers, and only colder temperature water really have that.

  6. All the things you guys have said about the Notty are very true. It does take some persistence to get over the murky and log jammed waters, however that's also good cover for steelhead, I don't know if Salmon really look for cover but great for the other fish.


    One thing I will say about the Notty, it's got some of the hardest fighting steelhead in southern Ontario, I'm glad they made Angus to Alliston a no kill Rainbow zone

  7. How disappointing that Ghana is out. They deserved to win and it would have been a great game to watch two offensive teams like Netherlands and Ghana go at it. If Uruguay plays defence there is a chance for an upset. They have to tire the Netherlanders out. The dutch are going to come out swinging.


    I'm thinking the world cup winner will be the winner of tomorrow's match. Germany or Argentina. Spain is looking good too, but they always choke in the world cup.


    But in the end, its anyones's game. Anyone can have a bad game or good game.All you need is to fluke off a win. Its not like the NHL, best of 7.



    Hey Johnny, one of those guys from the Ghana team paid tribute to Italy for ya. The ol'e Roberto Baggio way over the net, lol


    Don't matter though, Holland will defeat anyone that is in their way, I understand you just don't like Holland that's alright, but like I said and others have said they already won the world cup defeating Brazil



    Oh my god, Argentina was a joke today, Germany took them to the circus wow Wow Wow. 4 - 0



    Looks like Netherlands vs. Germany in the finals unless Spain can slow down Germany's game. Come to think of it Spain was ranked #2 I believe, should be a good game as well.


    This has to be the best world cup in like 20 years. I'm glad teams like Brazil, Portugal, Italy, France and England were booted out quickly, it's much more exciting this way.



    My god if its going to be Netherlands vs. Germany, just gonna be an outright offensive game, an exciting game, just the way the game should be played :thumbsup_anim::clapping:

  8. Dude I don't think you realize they beat the best ranked team (Brazil) in the world right now??? I like Argentina too, but I don't think they can beat the Netherlands buddy pal. The Netherlands have a tight game, they broke Brazil's game because they played rough like Brazil plays rough when they get angry, it was beautiful.


    GO DUTCH :clapping:

  9. Ghana and Uraguay are playing a very fast paced game.Awesome to watch.Hope Gauna wins this one.



    They do play a fast game Brian, but for some reason Forlan or Suarez from Uruguay always score with the magic touch, anyway it's going to be pretty hard for them to beat a team that devastated Brazil.


    Tomorrow's Argentina vs. Germany game is going to be a total WAR

  10. Who underestimated the Netherlands? I had a feeling from the start of the games that Netherlands would go far, and look at them now, defeating Brazil in just an amazing battle of soccer playing. There was no controversy here, so no one can say but..........


    By the looks of it Netherlands is going to be in the finals with either Argentina which I love as well, or Germany


    Go Netherlands, it's their time :clapping::thumbsup_anim:

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