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About Steve_R

  • Birthday 11/16/1965

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  1. Hi. Im wondering what breed of dog is in her..i know lab but im not sure what else is in her.? she has a strip of fur that goes the other direction down her back im thinking maybe German Sheppard but not sure.....we looked at pics of Rhodesian Ridgebacks and they look similar too. It goes right down her back from neck to tail about 4 inches wide the hair grows the opposite direction to the rest of her body. She's all black with brindle on her face and chest legs and paws. Any ideas?
  2. Thanks for the info Randy...yes we do have a beach front cottage...
  3. Hi folks...Im heading up to Field next thursday night and im wondering if anyone has ever been to camp Horizon or fished Lake Muskosung Before? And how is the pike and walleye fishing is it a tough lake to fish? Thanks for your help
  4. My old Blackberry curve just kick the bucket...I was looking at the Samsung galaxy Ace and a Blackberry curve...I know the samsung is a touch screen which i never used before. which phone is a better phone?
  5. Hi all....Im looking to do a little pan fishing with the ultra lights. im looking for somewhere to go around London other then the mill pond in Dorchester and Sharon creek....thanks for your help.
  6. Hi all....Im just wondering if anyone ever been to Golden Eagle Camp in Matachewan before? And also whats the fishing like in the area? i will be heading up there in June and again in Aug...
  7. I"m on my 10th day now...cold turkey do these cravings ever go away? all l wanna do is eat non stop lol
  8. Hi...Just wondering how the fishing is on Red Ceder Lake and area? I will be heading up there in a week. Thanks. Steve
  9. i was just looking at some on youtube...l guess they scream to...
  10. Yes l was thinking the same thing...
  11. Hi All..Im looking at getting a new puppy. And have been doing some research...and l was just wondering if anyone ever had a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever and do they make good family dogs? It wont be used for hunting just a family dog but will go fishing with me and the girlfriend likes to jog so it will get lots of exercise.. Thanks. Steve.
  12. Hi all...i was just wondering has anyone ever use the slow death rig for walleye before? and also how long of lead do you use from your bottom bouncer to your hook? Steve
  13. Yes Chris l use to catch alot of them in the Thames lots of fun...
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