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About WildPointer

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  1. You can purchase the episode here. https://www.muskyhuntercatalog.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=51
  2. Here is a Insight FAQ that provides additional information; http://insightstore.lowrance.com/coming_soon/insight_genesis_faq.pdf I personally don't like the fact that you need to connect to their Web Server to transfer and translate your data. And the subscription scheme looks scary. The Dr Depth software appears to be a one time software license that resides on your computer and gives you a standalone system. ( No Web service when your in a remote location and want to create a map ).Here is a link providing some additional info. http://www.hightechfishing.com/drdepth-1.html I don't' personally have any experience but I'm interested in hearing more opinions on this thread !
  3. I'm not sure about winter, but in the summer time I hit the Bait Shop on Hwy 69 in Pointe Au Baril. Right across from the Shell Station & Liquor Store. Worth a shot if your going past.
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