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  1. Big Cliff, Just curious what depth you are taking those temp readings at? I'm guessing close to the surface if you are getting readings that high this early in the year? I'd think the depth the fish are at would be consistantly colder. Or are crappie found close to the surface (i've never fished them)
  2. Eagle has been frozen over for a couple weeks now, Bernard just froze over yesterday.
  3. I've got a cottage on the south end of the lake, but really just got serious about fishing last year. Yes, there are lakers & whitefish but unless you've go the gear to get down deep (and even then, they are tough to catch in the summer) stick to smallmouth fishing, it's picked up over the last few years, and while the fishing is tough (Bernard is far from what I'd call a destination fishing lake), they are there. Fish weedlines (pencil reeds) particularly where there are dropoffs to the 20+' level, there are rocky areas on the west shore, but I haven't had any luck there. I've never caught any perch, but heard they are relatively small so likely not worth going after. I've had some success with pumpkinseed tubes this summer, and my brother caught a good size smallmouth using a good old red devil. Tell him to visit Bill at the outfitters in Sundridge, he should be able to offer more advice. Hope that helps.
  4. nice report, Last weekend I too noticed bass in areas they are not usually at till end of May or so, Everything is way ahead of normal this year. sirfish, bass are open all year in that neck of the woods as I'm sure limeyangler will confirm.
  5. I flew from Toronto Island to Peterborough and back this aft. Still a couple small ice slabs floating on both lakes, but they are 95% clear, I'm guessing both lakes will be totally clear by Friday, if not before. I heard lk St John by Orillia is clear as well, still some ice on most the other lakes up there though.
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