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Everything posted by leighfns

  1. I am heading up to Hay Bay for the long weekend. Is this area of BOQ good fishing? Any chances of some big pike?
  2. I was looking at this lake the other day on the map. Wonder if the fishing is any good? might be one of those hidden gems
  3. Got the PM.... thx I am heading up this weekend and will let you know the results. If I catch a few smaller pike for the pan I will be happy enough. mmmmmmmmmm.. Pike
  4. Nice!!! If you see a short stocky (slightly fat) guy on a Fisher 170 Sport that's me!!!!! The wife and I were there last year and she absoultely loved the scenery. Didn't get much of a chance to fish, hopefully that will be different this time around.
  5. You can actually rent a dock, I think there is room for around 30 boats. It's about $3 a day and there is places to store your trailer.
  6. Thx Everyone... Sounds like I am going to have a good time .
  7. You are a man of many words!!!
  8. Oh man that is one nice fish!!!!
  9. Doh!!! Is there a free boat launch on gloucester Pool?
  10. Oh Yah... I will post a report when I get back
  11. Hey All, I am heading up to Six Mile Lake PP camping on the long weekend. I just wanted to see if anyone knows the following about this lake. 1) Is the Pike fishing good on this lake? size or numbers? 2) Is is possible to navigate to Gloucester Pool via boat Thx in advance for you help
  12. Great report as always
  13. It certainly will not make me a better fisherman .... I have not posted much lately as my fishing season is just getting started again.
  14. Do I need to contact the admins?????
  15. Check out the avatar now... That should be proof enough
  16. All, I was a member on the old board and had atleast 200-300 posts. When I signed up for the new board my post count was erased. Is there anyway to get this back? whenever I post now people think I am a newbie (not that there is anything wrong with being a newbie), however; I have contributed many fishing reports to this site and given sound advice to atleast a few people. Regards, Mr.Wonderful (aka JohhnyNoFish)
  17. This weekend I am camping at 6 mile lake pp and on sunday I wanted to make a trip to Kahshe lake. I was wondering if there is a public boat launch? and if anyone has a map of this lake as I here rocks etc.. are not marked very well. If anyone has info on this lake that would be great...
  18. Bass Pro had what looked like a good deal on this real. Just wondering what your opinion on it is? Do you think it would be strong enough for Pike and Musky?
  19. Really? Please elaborate so I can kep my eye out.... What could be wrong?
  20. Thx all.... Hope to catch you out on the water... Also I would like to give a shout out to Boatland Canada specifically Steve Jojos for hooking me up with a great deal. If you are looking to buy a boat you owe it to yourself to check these guys out.... Regards, Leigh
  21. Well I finally decided to pull the trigger and purchase a new boat over the weekend. Here is a pick of it (not mine but exactly the same) Specs... SPECIFICATIONS: Length 17' 4'' Beam 98" Depth Inside 27" Bottom Width 82" Max. Recommended HP 135 HP Max. Person Capacity 5 Persons Max. Person Weight 875 Lbs. Max. Weight Capacity 1650 Lbs. Weight (approx.) 1400 Lbs. Fuel Capacity 30 Gallons Package Length 22' 9'' Dead Rise 17 degrees Gauge 0.100" I got a 115 optimax on mine which I think should be plenty. Really looking forward to getting this out on the water If anyone is interested I now have a 2003 Legend 151 Angler for sale with a 25hp 2 stroke and 55pnd minkotta transom trolling motor.
  22. I've actually been here for a while just haven't posted much since the new board opened.... You may know me as johnnynofish
  23. Oh I was also wondering if I should go with the Optimax or a 4 Stroke Merc...
  24. I was looking at boats the other day and ran into this one... http://www.fisherboats.com/boat/index.cfm?...y&boat=2070 It looked really nice and was a decent price with a 90hp Optimax. I have never heard of Fisher Boats before but really liked the look and options. Are these boats any good?
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