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Posts posted by [email protected]

  1. do you even watch hockey? the sens prospect pool is teeming with talent for the future. unless you're not impressed by the likes of mika zibanejad or mark stone. in which case, you're an idiot.


    And if you think Ottawa is going to trade them, I think idiocy may fall on your end.

  2. terrible tragedy, my condolences to you, and your family.

    I was speaking with my mother, who works with one of your uncles(?) at Bombardier. He is heartbroken, and was worried about both you, and your mother.

    From all accounts, the posters above, as well as your uncle, you sound like a fine young man. This is obviously a very difficult time for you, but take solace in the fact that your father was/is very proud of you, and he will walk with you, always.

    Cherish the memories, and never let them fade.



  3. Lots of ways to make your point. That just wasn't the time or place. Want proof? Ok, can anyone tell me what Thomas' point was? Anyone??? ( sfx... sound of crickets ) The end.


    read the article, it's all there in black and white.

  4. and tim is still towing the line, it's just that he's towing the right winged lunatic line and it makes him look like a buffoon (it does the same to anyone who supports him btw).


    actually, it makes him appear more like a human that has free will, and chooses to exercise that right.

    those against his right to choose, are the buffoons, btw.

  5. Look guys, I"m saying that there atually are people who HAVE HAD it so bad that they genuinely couldn't do anything about, but from what I'm told most of them can clean up but choose not too. Ahh, now I regret posting :(




    Have you ever thought about volunteering at a shelter ?


    1. It's good for your soul to help others in need.

    2. You won't go by "what you hear", you'll go by what you've experienced.


    Seriously, consider it. You will be a better person for it.

  6. Thanks Onthefly and mercman, much appreciated.


    That awesome work your sister did there skipper (sorry for the loss as well). Many more people need to help in similar fashion IMO.


    For the record, I don't fault wsb for his comments. Sometimes it's outta context, or ignorance, moreso than just flat out inhumanity.


    Lots of homeless people just fall victim to bad circumstances beyond their control. And once your outta your house, it's really tough to recover. There is a serious lack of help to regain your life. It's almost impossible to retain your job, or find a job. and if you do, it's still a real struggle to continue that job when your half starved, stressed out, emotional, looking after your kids, wondering where to stay etc. All the while people are looking down on you, and insisting drugs or alcohol is what got you where you are.


    Just imagine the mental strain? I would imagine it wouldn't take long for ones mental stability to deteriorate. I like to have a few drinks myself, when I think I'm stressed out, I gotta imagine it's sounds even better for a homeless person? A few hours away from the stress. Then in turn, that too may deteriorate your mental ability.


    Anyhow, I just feel extreme compassion for my fellow man, and the hard times that can fall on any one of us.


    Imagine if we responded the same way to fellow OFC members who have been diagnosed with cancer???


    Let's just all help each other out, everyone deserves a good life or the help needed to achieve that...



    One of the best posts I've read on this site, Period.


    We all/most get so wrapped up in our own lives, and forget that others may not have EVER had the opportunities we have been fortunate to have.


    Imagine if you never had the opportunity to get a higher education, or one at all.


    What if your parents were drug addled, or had mental issues themselves, and you were never given a shot right from the start? Sometimes cicumstances are beyond our control.


    Please don't respond with "get a job", as that is a very narrow minded way of thinking, and very much oversimplifying an issue of which you probably have no experience, be thankful for that.


    Happy New Year to all, and lets try to be better humans this year, we all benefit.

  7. Just received an unsettling phone call from the neighbour at the cottage.


    Apparently, over the course of the last couple days, as many as 15 cottages have been broken into along Hartley Bay rd.

    Ours was broken into last night.


    They even got into Flat Rapids Camp.


    Heading up there tommorrow to assess the damage, and deal with the cops.


    If any members here have a place up there, see about having a neighbour check on your place.


    Hope they can find some leads.


    I want to say more, but I won't.

  8. yeah...clever...i thought this was a family site? :whistling:



    And ?? What is the problem here? His name ?

    I would suggest that if a kid happened to know what his name meant, maybe not so much of a kid then?

    ever try typing in marijuana into google? or porn?

    Bigger concerns than peoples names on a fishing board.

    Yes, I am aware of your profession.


    BTW, Sweet browns!!

  9. I didn't see a walleye myself the whole week, and didn't here of many caught by others at the lodge. I think good walleye fishing is a thing of the past up there.


    Good luck to you.



    Yup, no walleye up here, please go elsewhere........:)

    Maybe your tactics were just off...but limits are not that difficult.

  10. After we were attacked on 9/11 we now side on safety and take no chances.....I'm glad they are out there doing their job and protecting the country, it's citizens and visitors.



    that statement as it relates to fishermen is very ell o ell.

    Yup, gotta worry about those "terrorists" planting bombs in smallmouth....

    Too much.

  11. the problem is they were using fraudulent payment processors. they (the owners of said poker sites ) actually bought banks just to have the ability to serve the us market. what the govt is alleging is that these processors were acting fraudulently by claiming the cashouts to players in the us were for things like refund on golf equipment purchased, clothing, and other items. they are being charged with bank fraud. as canadians, we currently have no worries (unless the client itself is shut down). this is of concern to us based players, as they can no longer access the clients. will probably be charged under RICO. interesting to see how this plays out. you can check twoplustwo for more info.

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