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Posts posted by [email protected]


    obsessed with OTHER teams instead of focusing on the mess that has become of their own team.



    I've yet to see a thread started by Leaf fans slagging the senoritas, but several started by señorita fans slagging the Leafs......hmmmm, obsessed much.

    Leaf fans see the senoritas as the pimple on our azz, a nuisance.


    out in four, yet again..........

  2. I think it's pretty obvious that I am a Leaf fan.

    You see, I have obv. been through the lean years, but come sept. the optimism (blind, or otherwise) remains high.

    I ALWAYS feel this could be the year, and am excited to see how the season will unfold.

    I watch the games, cheer when they win, am disappointed when they lose.

    The last few years have been crushing, but come the new season, I will be there, with the same optimism for a great season, as I have before.

    Playoffs/No Playoffs, I bleed blue and white, and that will never waver, because I am a TRUE FAN !!!!


    How many sens fans can say they NEVER cheered for another team??

    Toronto/Montreal were likely replaced as soon as the sens came about, loyalty out the window.

    Some "fans".


    I'll leave all three of you señorita fans to your love in now.

    btw- those tickets will be on sale for a while.............

  3. i said you use your buttcheeks as earmuffs? does that sound like i'm being serious? i hope you're enjoying the game tonight btw!


    combined with the rest of the post, emoticon included, yes I would say the tone was aggressive.


    Boston is just too good for most any team to handle.

  4. remember when you said the leafs would make the playoffs? i think i'll leave the predictions to the guys who don't use their buttcheeks as earmuffs... if you catch my drift. :asshat:


    hey leaf fans, when frenchriverkid talks like this, does it kind of make you shudder like i do when muskymatt goes overboard?




    I don't recall ever saying we would make the playoffs. Hoping, obviously,



    Does it really bother you that I said I'll fix your slice after four games?????




    I have no problem with you, it's been friendly banter between us, I don't take it seriously, and the fact that you do, is pretty pathetic.

  5. That funny cause I don't argue with fans of teams who haven't made the playoffs in 7 years bahahahaha


    come at me when you have a Stanley cup, till then, the senoritas will ALWAYS be second fiddle to the LEAFS.


    BTW - is Quebec city gonna keep the name senoritas ??

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