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Posts posted by Oggie

  1. I have discovered the baffles in my attic in my relatively new to me house, are pretty much only decoration. The soffits are blocked. Anyone recommend an insulation company in Markham? Went in to do it myself but the angle of the roof makes it a pretty tough job from the inside. Not a job I particularly want to do myself.


    Symptom was condensation at the peak. Water stains on the sheathing and running down the joists damaging the ceilings in two rooms on my second floor. Had the roofing guy in first. He was great helping me figure it out.


    The shingles prematurely wore on my roof because of inadequate ventilation in the attic (too warm). I added a ridge vent when I had the roof redone and then removed soffit in a few places so I could clear the insulation to increase ventilation. It's not a fun job.

    Dan O.

  2. Good thread! I'm one of those kids that did fire a gun at the age of 10 when I was supposed to be JUST babysitting. I had fired the gun before only with supervision. The SAFE STORAGE Law would have prevented a near tragedy. The registering of the gun would have made no difference.


    I real don't like the LG registry because I worry about it's data base being secure. In the wrong hands it's now a detailed shopping list and lets face it any system can be hacked.


    The Chiefs of Police have been TOLD to support the registry IMO by the politicians that control their budgets. When they quote the number of times the Registry has been queried by police I understand that is misleading. Any time a police offer uses a computer to search a person's info the LG registry is just part of the protocols. Officers don't purposely use the system as often as it appears.


    Dan O.

  3. Well Oggie, you definitely are a product of the 20th Century. As a former westerner, I could go back and dig up all sorts of issues and grievances that westerners could hold against eastern Canadians. The funny thing is that a lot of those jobs that were lost in the Alberta oil patch due to the National Energy Policy were held by easterners that had come west looking for work after the down turn in eastern Canadain manufacturing. I really thought that our country had move past this petty regionalism, but obviously there are hold outs.


    Share the Heritage Fund so Ontario can dump it's provincial debt as well and we'll drop the petty regionalism. It's only petty when it's working for you. :rolleyes:


    All I know is Trudeau had the balls to stop gas price increases and to do what was good for most of Canada. Not Alberta and not the U.S. but all of Canada. If this continues we will be looking at a second recession in Canada.


    Can't see Harper ever freezing energy prices. Oh yeah,he's from where???


    Dan O.

  4. I hate high gas prices just as much as the next guy but somebody has to pay for;


    health care,doctor,nurses,technicians salaries

    education,new schools,teachers salaries,pensions

    public sector and their pensions

    law enforcement,jails prison


    old age pension

    canada pension

    unemployment insurance

    welfare for those who refuse to work

    public housing

    make work projects to battle the reccesion

    equalization payments to less fortunate provinces


    I am sure I missed a few things but you get the idea!


    Don't forgot the awesome wages paid to oil patch workers and the outrageous salaries paid to their bosses (CEO's).


    Dan O.

  5. The difference in the US and Canadian gas prices is mainly due to tax. Mr. Trudeau's national energy policy was also responsible for massive lay offs in the Alberta oil fields and the ceasation of oil and gas exploration and development in Canada.

    I'd have more sympathy for the West if they'd share the Heritage Fund a little. You don't hear the West complaining about energy prices! :rolleyes: Wonder why??? :glare:

    Dan O.

  6. Funny I'mm old enough to remember Mr. Trudeau. The last time the country faced this situation, he nationalized the energy sector and froze the price of gasoline. Guess Free Trade wouldn't allow us to do that now. We sell our oil to the Americans and they have lower gasoline prices than us.


    We are blessed with great natural resources but I think we screwed ourselves when we signed NAFTA. The Americans only sign deals when they win. Our natural resources will be traded and sold as THEY see fit.


    Any leader that wanted to get elected would just need to guarantee a moratorium on gas price increases for a year. Majority Governmnent!


    Dan O.

  7. The thing I'm getting out of all of this is THINK before you answer the CO's questions. I watched a guy talk to a CO at the Wiarton dock one day many years ago. The CO asked how the fishing was. First angler replied, "I got 3 splake and my buddy got one". Conversation continued and then the CO asked the angler to accompany him to the cruiser so he could write the guy a ticket on the extra splake. The CO is right and he is just doing his job. You forced his hand when you answered incorrectly.


    I don't think livewells need to be separated but they sure want your answer to be legal and logical when they take a look.


    Dan O.

  8. Somebody in the second period Hot Stove roundtable discussion basically said What you're saying Craig. The Teacher's Pension Fund is not interested in spending as long as they are making profit.


    One of the inside guys said that actually the TPF are excellent owners. They stay out of managements way and they don't question the spending. They're alot better than many other owners in other franchises he said.


    I think there has been a long tradition of poor managment right back to the Ballard years. Rookie GM's (Ferguson, Stellick, etc.) that didn't know what they were doing. Old coaches (Quinn) that didn't see the changes in the NHL coming and failed to retool there teams. Yes a general lack of spending on scouting and minor league system. All this has made for the Perfect Storm and the Leafs are just now starting to show signs of recovery. :wallbash:


    Marquis players like to play for winning teams so no way Richards is coming here. GM's like to work in winning franchises so no way Scotty Bowman :worthy: would ever have come here. Winning begets winning and VS VS. It takes time to turn this thing around.

    Dan O.

  9. Not legal on the Grand River in the special regulation sections around Fergus/Elora. "Single barbless hook only". Legal to have up to 3 hooks on your line any where else in Ontario, that's why many minnow imitations have 3 trebles (ie. Rapalas).


    DAn O.

  10. Geez if Burke and Wilson decide to send Kadri down for lack of defensive play, how the hell does Kessel get away with being -23 or what ever he is. Yeah he scored 32 but he was on for 55 against assuming he's not on the penalty kill. :unsure: Kadri needed seasoning but not a whole season in the minors.


    Dan O.

  11. I'm pulling for Kaberle, and as unfortunate as it might be, the rest of the Bruins.


    Is there anyone in the league today more deserving of a cup than Kaberle?


    Well said! I hope it's a Vancouver/Boston final and yes I'd like to see Kaberle win a cup. Then he can come back to the Leafs in free agency and learn to lose again! :whistling:


    Dan O.

  12. Lunatic is right if you listened to Don Cherry tonight. :thumbsup_anim: "Reimer saved Wilson's ass with his play since the all-star break" (Don Cherry). He tore a strip off of Wilson for not abandoning Giguere before Christmas and for not keeping Kadri from the get-go. Kadri outscore all kinds of other outstanding rookies on other teams during the exhibition season, yet Wilson sent him back to the AHL. :wallbash:


    I agree with Cherry (not usually) when he says the penalty kill unit hasn't been coached and that's why they place 29th in PK each year. It's not a skill like the PP, it's a coached unit. Wilson doesn't know how to coach specialty units. It would help if they had a centre that could win a draw on either specialty team. :rolleyes:


    Dan O.

  13. I wonder if removing one wheel would help. Most thieves wouldn't think/bother to bring an extra wheel so they can steel it. I put a cutoff ball in the locked tongue. The neighbour had a thief with a small metal peg on his ATV hitch that was able to lift the locked down hitch so that they could remove the trailer to a more secluded area to cut the tongue lock off.


    I tarp the boat to protect the canvas cover and the tarp makes the boat hard to really get a good lock at. Could be a new boat or could be a beater, can't tell without lifting the tarp.


    Dan O.

  14. wish I would have read your post years ago. I've sat waiting for all kinds of buyers. Driven to public places only to sit for 3 hours. Your right be firm and make sure they're interested.


    Dan O.

  15. Not to be too irritating but maybe the guy was trying to get rear-ended. If you use your e-brake to stop I don't think your brake lights ever come on. :unsure:


    A friend of mine was charged when he rear-ended a guy that was completely stopped in the middle of a highway on a blind corner. Not sure if his brake lights were on but it wouldn't have mattered except maybe for the speed of the impact. Cam Wooley, the retired OPP, says "it's never road conditions", it's about care and control of your vehicle. :angry: Don't think so Cam!


    Dan O.

  16. I actually like McD's coffee better as someone else mentioned. I sure like the McD lids better. :angry:


    Stopped at the Cookstown Tim's a week ago and while driving noticed the rim had already been rolled up for me :wallbash: how thought full of the employees! :asshat: How common is this courtesy out there??? :angry:


    Dan O.

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