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Everything posted by chaarsawbees

  1. Also, National Bait Co. They are one of the largest suppliers of nightcrawlers...located in Mississauga...
  2. What about Princecraft Boats....Hailing from QC!
  3. That's awesome! What a guy! I really love how most anglers are so helpful and generous to one another. We always seem to have a mutual respect for one another when we're out, and I always run into to people that make for a great day even when the bite is slow. Very few bad apples out there, but there are more good people than bad in the fishing world I would say...
  4. No worries man, it's all just an opinion. Some people like Battlefield better than COD, and PS3 more than XBOX. It's just a matter of opinion, not fact. Whatever you like better is your choice as long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters. Although the only matter of fact is that BFBC 2 is better than any COD ;P Kidding, that's just my opinion, I enjoy the game way more. But then again, I own a sound recording and post-production studio as a business, and we do post-production sound mixing for film and television, and the occasional video game trailer, and I'll tell you for certain that the sound in BFBC 2 is FAR superior to COD. That doesn't make it better for everyone, perhaps that's why I like it better, but hey to each their own...
  5. YES!!! BFBC 2 is the best first person military shooting game out there! COD is so cartoonish and the guns sound so weird! I have all COD games for PS3 since COD 4 but I only buy them to try them and so far nothing beats Bad Company 2, so they sit there and collect dust. If anyone plays BFBC 2 online, feel free to add me on PS3! My ID is: superdeluxe639
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