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Posts posted by wormdunker

  1. I have fished this area for 5 years now - no problem getting walleye. I use "go getters" - small version of a worm harness, single hook, 1 spinner blade, 3 or 4 colored beads tipped with part of a dew worm. I fish shallow 8-12' at the edge of the weed beds. Last summer I was there every week end, chartreuae was the color to use. This year I've had good luck with silver blade, red beads. Have fun!!

  2. We were on Erie yesterday slammin the walleye. Contrary to what the weather forecast was the lake was calm. We boated a nice 5 lb about 7:30AM then nothing for 2 hours. Caught a small 3 lb around 12 noon. A friend in another boat decided the fishing was slow so he left. We trolled into another area WOW - 4 nice wallys in less than an hour. Over all for the day 8 wallys, 1 9lb, 4@ 5 - 6lb, 2@ 3lb. Beauty day!! Oh yah 1 smallie @2.5 lb. 2 weeks ago we caught 5 wallys - boated my biggest at 29", 9.5lb. I would like to post some pix but lack the knowledge how to do this. If someone could email me with step by step instructions I'd appreciate your help. Thanx

    [email protected]

  3. I've been fishing that area for 4 years - just north of the park there are lots of smaller lakes. We were there the July 1st holiday week end. Did great with the walleye, pike & perch. There are no musky or bass in our lake. Small worm harnesses are the key bait for eyes & pike. Perch were even taking our harnesses while trolling!! While camping there was a forest fire 1 mile south of us. MNR helicopter & water bomber were on site within minutes. Amazing watching the bomber pick up water then disperse it over the fire!!

  4. I'm Heading up from Sunday till Wednesday. I've gone a little crazy with purchasing tackle lately. A year ago it would have been my trusty abu spincast rod and reel and whatever tackle I could string together. Now I seem to have 3 baitcast setups with another on the way ((I got a good deal on a revo toro from ebay). Was wondering what to bring. I am going to bring some bass stuff, and want to experiment with drop shotting. Should I bother packing Musky gear or not? We plan on renting a boat, if that helps.




  5. I love the planning, packing & the road trip to Gogama. There are so many lakes to fish it is awesome!! Bass, pike, perch, walleye are all available. We camp at Lake XX - what a great feeling getting up at 5:00 AM the first morning to explore the spots where we caught fish last year. I decided to fish a lake I'd never been to before. Quick report - 1st hour 7 walleye caught & released, move down the lake 1 km, 21 walleye in a heavy rain storm in 1-1/2 hours!! I was in the area last week end - line in the water at 6:00AM, 4 walleye caught & released by 6:20AM

    My name is Brian -I'm a fish a holic

  6. I use gulp alive for perch & crappies, very successful. I must admit I always buy minnows. If the bite is good I'll switch to gulp alive, the bite may slow down a bit, but, I still catch fish. If the bite is slow I'll use live minnows & gulp alive to see what is working. They do have a problem of leaking smelly juice in the boat so I store the small bottles of 1" & 2" minnows in a sealed tupperware container. Also put some of my other small plastics in the jar of gulp juice.

  7. I just finished sanding & painting my ATV trailer. I used a spray can product called "zero rust" which is available at a body shop supplier. The sales person told me it is a better product than Tremclad. u might want to search this product. 1 issue is, it is not availble in gloss finish - only flat. Good luck

  8. Welcome Pike guy. I had the great opportunity to work in Sudbury last summer for 3 months. I worked for All Purpose Crane Rental (I'm a crane operator). Great bunch of guys. Although I've never fished Ramsay I fished lots of the smalls lakes near the Watershed truck stop every week end. U folks have an excellent fishery just north of Sudbury. Today I'm targetting perch on Lake Erie!! WOO HOO!!

  9. I love my digital scale. When I first received it I took it to our local butcher shop & the owner compared a couple of pieces of meat on his scale versus my new digital. Mine is very accurate to his scale!! I also use it for other things such as weighing the amount of fertilizer to put on my lawns. Scotts recomends 3lbs of fertilizer per 1000 square feet. Very simple - put the fertilizer in a pail, weigh it & I'm good to go. Don't forget to subtract the weight of the pail (tare). Also weighing sausage when we're making up our home made pork sausage in January. Shows me how much waste there is in a pork shoulder after weighing the finished product. Enjoy your new toy!!

  10. Garnets method does work, I know, I've tried it. Another method to remove line twist is to remove all hardware (bare line). Let out all your line while running your boat at trolling speed - allow the line to un twist in the water as u troll. Reel it back in & you are good to go. Hope this helps. I tried spooling all fluro on a spinning reel & had nothing but problems. Now I use trilene mono with a 5' -6' leader of fluro.

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