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Posts posted by wormdunker

  1. What's wrong with Sudbury? The joke is. There's only hookers & hockey players live there! Oh which team does your wife play for? Old joke!

    I have been to Sudbury numerous times, worked there on several occasions, including a 9 month stint. I'd go back in a heart beat! 1.5 hour drive north on the hwy 144 is the most amazing fishing I have experienced, not to mention hunting, hiking, snowmobiling, ATVing & the great outdoors in general. Dara I need an explanation for your comment. Once in the city you have every restaurant, bar & shopping facilities that most bigger cities offer. Don't bash Sudbury unless you've been there for more than a week. Also, in my case if I lived permanently in Sudbury I would only be a 5 hour drive to where I grew up, & where my children & grandchildren reside.

  2. Every one has their own personal reasons for living in a certain area. Income, children in school, grandchildren, medical facilities & the list goes on. I would love to live in the north country. Cities like Timmins, Sudbury, North Bay & Thunder Bay all have their fine outdoor activities to enjoy. Oh did I mention fishing is at the top of my list! I'm in Fonthill (near St. Catharines) & enjoy our small town very much. Now that our family is grown & with 3 grandchildren it would be extremely difficult to move too far north & not be able to visit the Kiddies as often. As I approach retirement my plan is to purchase a trailer in a park up north whereby wifey & myself could spend a month or so enjoying the great outdoors but maintain our home in Fonthill. That way we could live in the north for a couple of weeks at a time but always be able to "come home".

  3. Interrupted my TV show?? What a shameful act?? Some people don't have a clue what's going on in the world. Without a TV remote, laptop, tablet, cell phone they wouldn't know how to act!! I see it quite often with my grandchildren. Sitting for hours in front of a computer or TV. The parents should get these kids involved in our great outdoors, fishing, hiking, skiing, bike riding, take them skating for a Saturday afternoon or extra curricular sports at school. I don't like where our future generations are heading. But that's just me.

    Good info Rick for the safety of our children. This would be an awesome system if it could be employed in our communities.

  4. I use 25 lb fluoro on my harnesses with #4 Colorado blades. I tie my own at 6' long to keep the bait away from the bottom bouncers but also using 8' & 9' rods. I also stopped using the bait holder hooks because they will nick the fluoro leader & weaken it. On the eastern basin of Erie we have had 30", 9 & 10 lb walleye with this set up. I'm not convinced # 8 blades will get bigger fish.

  5. I lived in Thunder Bay back in 1971 - awesome city at that time! Fishing, hunting, skiing all very close to home. I'm not sure what it is like now but I have heard that crime is rampant as well as druggies on every street corner.

  6. Yup, X 2 on the merino wool. I recently purchased Icebreaker 260 weight long johns & top. Awesome under my floater suit. Many advantages to wearing merino wool including - if it gets wet , it is still warm. I could not imagine the price of a hand knit merino wool sweater. I paid a healthy price for my icebreaker underwear & I only have 6 more monthly payments!! LOL!

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