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big mac

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  1. Not sure if the Govt. still has the RRSP plan for first time buyers, great deal , check it out at your bank before buying, to long to into the details to much but you get to borrow ( interest free ) up to $20,000. and have 15 years to pay it back, bonus is you have a $20,000. RRSP when you are done,,,,,,
  2. Guys, just be careful, reading the Kincardine Times and a guy was ripped off for something on those sites.....was told the money was ina Paypal account and it was not...
  3. Omar and the Howlers :: Lowdown Dirty Blues..... And Tommy Castro Can't Keep a Good Man Down
  4. My mother-in-law has a place on kasshabog and we have caught 5 walleye this year mainly trolling worm harnesses through or around the weed beds, firetiger and red seem to be the colors of choice.....good luck...and most have been caught in the daytime
  5. If you are trying a creek for specks take a panther martin, take the treble off of it and replace with a small single hook,,,put on a small bit of worm and cast into some of the faster water in the creek, if you do not get a bite at a few locations then go try another creek, have been using this method for 30 years and has worked for me every year...they are so aggressive they are sitting at the top of the pools ahead of all the chub and other minnows and hit the first thing coming past them... and good luck, I found my creek by driving around opening day a long time ago, pretty much only one other guy fishes it......tell by the lack of boot marks on the bank...
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