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Everything posted by foggynotions

  1. Great post and great pictures!!!
  2. Well again I traveled to the Ranger Lake area with my buddy for a weekend of fishing. I had a half day on Friday so I left early to go warm up the camps and wet a few lines before everyone else. Here's a photo log of my weekend! Reached Ranger Lake at around 2pm Stoked the fires in the camps unloaded my gear and went to the bottom of the hill to drill a few holes and get some lines in..Fished for a while, but didn't have any luck just one small laker that I threw back, but still better to be there early and fishing than in town! Saturday morning after a late night of beers and bullcraping! we headed out and came to our first stop and set up some tipups and started jigging About 10 minutes after arrival I pulled up the first fish, a 15.5" Laker. Was gonna throw it back but decided I would keep it as it was just under the new slot size and was a good size for my small catch. After having some more hits, and pulling in a few small lakers that we released back our group left and went to another part of the lake where we got into some better fish and some great views for some photo opportunities. After about 20 mins at our new spot we got into some action and my buddy Nate pulled up a smaller 15" Laker and killed any chances of being skunked on the day! Seconds after that he took the lead and caught the biggest fish of the day a 2lb 20" laker. So as it stood there wondering if I was gonna get into my second fish, my tip up took a dive and I could hear the line peeling.. I ran over and set the hook and pulled my a 20" 2lb laker of my own! (the one in the middle) Now we all had our limits, so we decided to try some bay's on Saymo for a few specs, but they were being illusive and we decided to call it a day. As we got home, we cleaned up our fish and got into the beers, here's a picture of me and our bag of fish we brought down to another camp and shared with everyone for a good feed while we drank our ice cold beeeeeeeers!! Hope you enjoyed the pics and the story! Len P.S. If you are planning on going up the Ranger Lake Rd this week or in the next few days.. drive careful.. GLARE ICE..almost bushed it on a few corners.
  3. Just a FYI guys.. those fish weren't mine.. those are just some of the fish we caught on that day, I had a few lakers but didn't get the pictures of them sent to me yet. And Archie... yes that was a beauty speck!
  4. We went fishing in the Ranger Lake area this weekend, and where we usually get majority Lakers, this weekend the square tail's were hitting good. We fished both Saturday and Sunday, Saturday the fishing gods were mean to me .. and I lost a few and was skunked. However today I caught a 20" and 15" laker to take home for dinner. Here's a few pictures from the weekend, sorry there aren't more but I didn't have a camera and this is what my friend emailed me. Hidden Bay Lodge The Sleds 3lb Laker, 2lb Speck and two smaller 1lb and change Specks Hidden Bay Lodge
  5. Pearl Jam Tool NoFx Strung Out Korn Those are some of my favorites
  6. who cares about the food.. lets just go somewhere and drink booze!
  7. I've fished Huff, but not during hard water season, although I would like to try it out this winter for sure. Quemenico I have never fished and yes Luc does need a sled!
  8. Huff? Queminico?
  9. Three new lakes to report South Anvil Lake - 15-16" solid good ice, very windswept no slush North Anvil Lake - 15-16" solid good ice, very windswept no slush no slush Mystery Lake - 15-16" solid good ice, very windswept no slush no slush On a side note, - For those of you that know the Anvil's the beaver dam area was pretty solid and the trail around is a bit sketchy because of a lack of snow - Saymo Lake where you enter the swamp was also solid, we broke trail up and onto the domtar road (which is awesome, snowy and not plowed)
  10. It was an ok weekend of fishing up at Ranger Lake area too, we went up north of Saymo to a few lakes, we all limited out on lakers, no specks this weekend. It took us the whole day to limit out, the fish weren't hitting too great. The morning fish never really turned on, but the evening was good, we all got decent hits and all limited out at around 4pm. After that...hit the trails home and filleted and chowed down!
  11. Nice feed of Perch!!! I wouldn't mind getting into a few of them myself...LOVE eating perch!
  12. Which Farrell are you thinking?? i think you are in the other subdivision.. cause the two people beside him are not Archibald's. Are you guys down by where the pig roast happens every August.
  13. I go to the Farrell's camp, my buddy Nate is related to them (its his aunts camp) but we use it all the time all year long. Archibald's sounds familiar sure I have seen the sign on the subdivision road.
  14. My really good friend has a camp up there pretty much right at KM 54, you turn down the road with the pink panther or you can go in from Collins Road. Technically you can call it the 2nd subdivision of the 3 that are there.
  15. Thats an easy one, go to camp... fish your face off and take a ton of pictures of all the great fish you catch and the good times. Then when you get back to town show your buddy's (especially the whipped one) and tell them what they missed by being all ghey!! Points Worm Dangler 2 - Buddies 0
  16. Haha, not gonna be a big drinking weekend.. too many spots to go, gonna be a soberish weekend, heavy on the fishing!!
  17. Good luck on the weekend boys...I'm gonna be up the Ranger Lake way, have 5 lakes we are gonna hit this weekend.. including one that we believe no one has fished in a few years for some brookies, I will let ya know how we make out!
  18. I posted this in another thread, but I figure I would post it in its own thread and anyone in the area can add to it as the hardwater season progresses! Just some more lake conditions for the Sault Ste Marie / Ranger Lake / Highway 129 area: Ranger Lake - 12" as of Sunday smack dab in the middle of the lake more around 8" some slush spots along the south shore Penelope Lake - 10-12" all over some small pockets of slush Desbarats Lake - 8" slushy and some open water going into the cut by Barbers Side Road Wakomata Lake - Unknown - was there for the long weekend, still no one fishing it.. just recently froze over Damn Lake - (north of Wakomata) slushy in spots with some open water in the back bay but where the trail comes on end of the lake 10" Appleby Lake - (Hwy 129) hut on the lake and lots of sled tracks not sure of ice depths Cummings Lake - 8" at the point off of Hwy 129 about 6 people fishing around 100ft out in the normal spot Saymo Lake - 10" and slush pockets at different areas of the lake and still open water at the swamp near the domtar end of the lake I didn't get to all these spots but I was told by numerous friends and people that have been fishing. Hope this helps! Len
  19. I may be wrong, but I was always told that supporting your auger that way was not good for it. Was told that the floats in the carbs aren't meant to be stored sideways and that you should always keep the head unit upright and less stress on the drive shaft? Like I said.. this is just what I was told, is there any truth to it? Len
  20. So lets have em! Whats your sled. Post Pics if you have em!
  21. Just some more lake conditions for the Sault Ste Marie / Ranger Lake / Highway 129 area: Ranger Lake - 12" as of Sunday smack dab in the middle of the lake more around 8" some slush spots along the south shore Penelope Lake - 10-12" all over some small pockets of slush Desbarats Lake - 8" slushy and some open water going into the cut by Barbers Side Road Wakomata Lake - Unknown - was there for the long weekend, still no one fishing it.. just recently froze over Damn Lake - (north of Wakomata) slushy in spots with some open water in the back bay but where the trail comes on end of the lake 10" Appleby Lake - (Hwy 129) hut on the lake and lots of sled tracks not sure of ice depths Cummings Lake - 8" at the point off of Hwy 129 about 6 people fishing around 100ft out in the normal spot Saymo - 10" and slush pockets at different areas of the lake and still open water at the swamp near the domtar end of the lake I didn't get to all these spots but I was told by numerous friends and people that have been fishing. Hope this helps! Len
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