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Posts posted by FishAbout

  1. Rosseau and Lake Muskoka have very few spots to access the ice. Windermere has good parking and a short walk. Lots of small lakers not even worth eating though. Almost need a machine to get around the lakes. Need to know the lakes and what areas freeze first, some areas never get anymore then 8 inchs of ice all winter. There are big fish to be caught though, Have to put your time in and you will catch them. Some spots just seem to hold bigger fish.

  2. Rod I heard the day didn't get any better on the way home with the trailer. The day started of bad when barry got the van stuck, then we couldn't get the big hut out with all the slush. At least you weren't cold with the portable hut. We did get the big hut of johns out the next day. Everything went much better. You guys will have to come up again sometime.

  3. I was the one that caught that laker. I have caught many bigger then that one. I do not usually keep them that big but the wife's parents wanted fish and fishing was tough that day so i decided to keep it. Sorry if some feel that it should be released. I like to eat the small ones also. There are lots of big lake trout in Lake Rosseau. Posts like this is why I do not post here.


    That lake trout hit when I went into the hut, I left the drag really lose so if one hit it would not pull the rod down the hole. It has happened to me before. After being in the hut for 10 mins, Rob(iceguy) hooked into a fish so he thought. I thought I better check my line outside to make sure it was ok. The fish had taken all of the line out right to the knot on the reel. While taking all my line out it circled and caught 5 of the other lines. It was a disaster. I wish I could of set the hooks on it and fought it on the rod the hole time.

  4. I guided for 3 years near Ear Falls and all I used was 50lb power pro with a titanium leader. I caught more pike in a summer then most people do a in a life time, 50lb is plenty strong, I casted large baits and no break offs landed many pike over 40 inchs. The heavier the line you go the harder it will be to cast. For spininng reels you should run the same diameter line you would in mono or the line will not sit on the spool well. 30 lb power pro on a spinning reel would be fine with a good leader. Make sure you using a rod that can handle that heavy of line also, if the rod is to light, heavy line alone will not get a big fish out of the weeds.

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