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About Anderson

  • Birthday 12/04/2008

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  • Location
    Up there in Nipigon
  • Interests
    everything outside

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. There is a guy from Thunder Bay Bobby Baron He also does amazing work I think this artist is also top notch
  2. Was doing a search on google and came across thisI don"t know alot about photoshop but presumably it weighs 23 lbs and was caught in mar /08 in Lk Helen/Steamboat Bay 10 min from my houseWalleys are closed all year in the lower Nipigon River system below Alexander Dam including Lk Helen so my question is if you did catch one that was bigger than the ice fishing record of 18.3 lbs even if you were pike or perch fishing could you enter it Hmmmm
  3. leaving an auger standing in a hole is not a really good idea during cold weather If there is any water on the ice it could flow into the hole and then freeze due to the upper part of the auger in wind chill Don't ask me how I know but i wasn't leaving my auger all nite
  4. My Daughter Mellissa wanted to go fishing today but I was finishing off my ice shack and watching the bait shop My Son and a couple of friends we're at the lake already So I set her up with a rod one orange jig and 4 minnows in a worm container She was back in 45 min with supper for her and the boyfriend I think I taught her well BTW the boys are still out there Go Melly
  5. I have a 99 500 Sportsman and have a similar problem I pulled the drain plug on the recoil side and about 1/2 a cup of water came out Dammed if I know how it got in there I checked all the bolts that hold the recoil on and they were tight and the cap for the pull cord is on and I"m not loosing antifreeze Any ideas
  6. Good eye on that one It"s pretty tough to get a good looking brood stock and yes the lake starts with L One year we fished a lake that starts with S where they had put in some brood lakers averaging 15 lbs We did a couple on the smoker and they were not bad proving the point that a good cook can make a boot taste great
  7. Yes we do have natural brookie lakes I was with 2 friends in a Noname lake , buddie caught a 9 lb"er as soon as it came to the surface I said to my friend hey that's a nice lake trout he said to me There are no lake trout in here( Jaw drop ) I heard rumors of an 11 Lb"er comming outta the same lake It"s about an hour from here There are other natural lake and are usually canoe and over niters
  8. So for everyone that was wondering These Brookies are between 5 and 7 years old that were hatchery fish released to live out the rest of their days They put 700 of them in last May The lake also holds good numbers of splake which average 1-3 years and average 12-14 in we usually let them go unless badly hooked The lake also hold a good population of walleyes with the biggest I"ve seen so far around 8lbs but lots o0f little ones in the 1lb range Rumor has it the lake use to have lakers and the deepest spot is 82 ft so their could be a monster still swimming and eating those little splake
  9. Nope Just Nipigon
  10. So my son and I decided to hit a little lake about 5 min from home -5 no wind perfect Managed 3 sweet brookies Came home for a nice bowl of Turkey Soup Think we"ll go back for the evening festivies So after the turkey soup we went out for an hour I forgot to bring my camera so I had to take the picture in the bait shop Gonna clean these up and give "em to a couple of old folks that can"t get out but love to eat fish That's my Christmas present to them By the way this hen measures 21 in
  11. So we had some balmy weather yesterday with the sorm front high of 0c and no wind I said to my wife drop me off it"s only 6 min from my house and she had some cooking to do anyways Arrived at the lake and 2 of my buddies were already set up going for splake and specks I'm looking for walleyes Drill acouple of holes in deeper water from where they were and ban I get a hit right away just a little bugger Then i see buddy running to his line He get it but I can't see what it was Next thing you know I have another hit and pull up a nice eater 1lb 1/2 There he goes again runnin like Ben Johnson he get it again We're there till 530 and wind them up and head back to the trucks He comes over and shows me these It"s 245 pm Right now and I gotta go Dinners not till 7 Merry Christmas All and I hope to have a good Nite
  12. It ain"t pretty but it drags my butt to where I gotta go I"m thinkin that 150 a year is reasonable I don't PUI or DUI or SUI Just want to be covered when the other guy hits me and it ain't that wide Put yer head down and pinn it Sure to leave ya stranded Glad I have sno shoes They start everytime
  13. I think Titanic is a great Christmas movie Just to let people know what cold water feels like Seriously though Hands down Planes Trains and Automoblies Steve and John together brings a tear to my eye.....
  14. Thanks for the link Just checked it out and seems to have what I"m looking for
  15. So I'm tired of standing in the wind so this year I"m building a shack 6x8 6Ft wall outta 2x2s and 3/8 plywood anyone got any ideas on construction Not looking for fancy just warm
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