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Status Updates posted by irishfield

  1. If you need some custom wood work, Dara is your man!

  2. What a great day.. no wind = bottom of boat able to be sprayed with Starbrite to get 4 months of grunge cleaned off it and an hour in the air to boot!

  3. Ice out declared on Temagami !!

  4. He told me he still loved you Dan..

  5. 48 hours without the internet.. almost had to get out the underwriter just to keep my typing speed in tact!

  6. "Lindsey Buckingham and Friends" was purdy damn good last night ! 2.5 hours non stop !

  7. Geez spookd... what do you want now? lol

  8. His name's not "Joe" !

  9. Still 30 inches of ice on Nakina

  10. Don't let her near your fishing hole... you don't stand a chance against this one! ;O)

  11. Off to see the Wizard in the morning... hope he's been practicing his magic all weekend!

  12. Prayin the count down is still correct... 5 days !! :o)

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