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Everything posted by EddieNorth

  1. Hey guys hope all is well,just to clarify we are going to have 2 camps running this year Beteau Lake and Richter Lake.Nothing will be closing and we hope to expand somemore in the future. Thank you all for your past and present patronage, Merry Christam and a Happy New Year, Eddie
  2. Email me your physical addy and I will send you one compliments of EddieNorth.com
  3. Sorry all thats Iridium sat phone Pigeon had at the camp,,,,,,,
  4. Thomas Pigeon from Canada in the Rough had a meridian phone at our camp last fall and it wasnt much better than the globalstar. Solo Paddler is a Lurker,,,,HAHAHAHAHAHA
  5. We have a globalstar ,it works well if you know the call times to use it.You can go to the globalstar homepage and print off the best call times for the week you need it,but it was horrible at the camp because we never had internet service to check the site for the best call times.Globalstar is suppose to be improving there system this fall,problem is if they do the prices are going to skyrocket,We now have explornet with free unlimited phone service and wireless internet for our customers,it works great and the added internet service is awsome, Cheers Everyone, Eddie
  6. $1250.00 per person plus tax, we 2 weeks left in August but can squeeze 1 or 2 people in with other groups, Cheers,,,,,,Eddie
  7. Hahaha too funny,,,,no it wasnt me but i have given out a ton of stickers,I mail them with a map of the lake to everyone that books with me,along with a few other perks,,,Glad to hear they work!
  8. The website is under construction and should be up very soon,in the mean time you can contact me through email,,,,,,,[email protected]
  9. We can accomodate some smaller groups to fill up a few holes and have a few openings left for full size groups,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Happy Thanksgiving to our american friends,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Eddie
  10. You need a few guys to hook up and book ,,july 31st is still open
  11. The post that just keeps on giving,,,,,,,
  12. Hi I just read some your posts,Im not sure if you have contacted me or not but to put you at ease Ive been in business and serving the public for over 25 years .I have spent almost as much time in the bush and on the water around northern Ontario as I have at home.There are 4 things you need too succesfully run an outfitting business.#1 A reliable air service #2 good accomodations #3 excellent equipment and #4 Fantastic Hunting and fishing.,, We Have it all,,,please feel free to call anytime,,,,Eddie,,,,1-902-436-1361
  13. First and foremost,I would like to thank solopaddler for the great report he has given my camp on the Attawapiskat,,,Thank you Mike. I would also like to thank everyone for there great comments and all the emails regarding bookings,I will be back in my office on October 28th so I can get back to work.We managed to finish the camp after Mike flew out,,hot and cold running water in the kitchen with private shower facility.We will be building a new kitchen facility this spring before guests arrive, 28x14 the foundation and floor is already finished.That will leave us with one cabin sleeping 6 to 8 easily and two other cabins sleeping at least four in each easily.We hope to have our website up and running in the near future with all our pics and info,,,once again thank you all very much,,,Thank you Mike,,,,,,,,,,Eddie
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