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Posts posted by jbailey

  1. I personally like Peterborough (lived in Oshawa and Mississauga for years), the proximity to phenomenal fishing is just to amazing. I know I would move to Peterborough if I had the opportunity!


    Unfortunately the unemployment rate is high and over the last while drug use and property crimes have increased. Oxycontin is destroying Peterborough much like its cousins Lindsay and Oshawa.

  2. Hey guys,

    A good friend of mine is looking to purchase a boat but thats not really on the market but was offered to him.

    Anyone have any idea what year this engine is and what it would be worth? I was thinking 97'?



    Also, i understand its a terrible picture and the cover is on, but what would this 1993-1994(?) legend bass boat be worth? Both the engine and the boat are in pretty good condition.




    I am just trying to help my buddy out so he doesnt have to be a non-boater with bassmasters anymore!! and figured I'd ask the educated veterans of this site for some input!



  3. ahah well i don't see it being too bad, atleast not as bad as some of the stuff i've seen while working.. people poaching half dead salmon and keeping carp/suckers and selling them at their restaurants in Toronto labeling them only as "Fish", duped wayyy too many people and the fines don't seem to be enough of a deterrant.

  4. I agree with the other guys about going east! I am a sucker for convience! so the 407 being completed through Brooklin to the 115 is very enticing.. I used to commute from north oshawa to etobicoke every morning, took about 45mins if I took the 407 -> 427S

  5. When I was doing water front water testing a few years back , I"m a cival engineer specializing in storm water management , one of the people I worked with would take home any orphaned or injured gooslings we would find . He had a farm outside port perry . They would stay with him in his pond untill they were big enough to fly away , some would return now and than but they returned to the wild (if you can call a gooses life in the big smoke wild )but was funny to see these birds following him around in his yard we used to call him Father goose .


    interesting, i currently do storm water sampling in toronto

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