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Posts posted by jbailey

  1. howdy all

    so i am currently in the process of trying to purchase a new fish finder but I don't even know where to begin! I have been trying to do some research but I am not becoming any more decisive. If you had a budget of lets say roughly a grand what would you buy? What features would you say are essential? I am so overwhelmed with all the options thanks in advance for the help!



  2. Seeing how badly habs fans embarrassed themselves last postseason, flooding the streets after early playoff wins like they had just won the cup, I'd say we are all a little too invested in our teams.


    It's funny, yet pathetically sad, how everyone in the hockey world wants the leafs to do badly, except Torontarians. Are we really the yankees of hockey? I think everyone is just upset TSN doesn't care about them :asshat:


    because Toronto is much like New York as a city, believing the country revolves around them



    Sometime between Sept. 1 and 3, someone broke into a cottage on Toad Lake near Port Loring, according to Near North Crime Stoppers and the Powassan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police.


    The cottage can be accessed by water only.


    Once inside, the culprit or culprits made off with an older .22-calibre rifle, about 500 antique fishing lures, six fishing rods and reels, six tackle boxes, a Hummingbird fish finder, a Shindowa chainsaw, a Daisy BB gun and two mounted fish, a pike and a smallmouth bass.

    The value of stolen property is estimated at $4,000.


    Anyone with information is asked to call Near North Crime Stoppers at 476-8477.

  4. yea my car was broken into a few times when I lived in oshawa - fortunately at that time i didn't own anything haha


    Lock your car doors!!


    "Car-hopping" thefts on rise in Durham Region

    By ROB LAMBERTI, Toronto Sun


    Last Updated: September 8, 2010 3:42pm

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    “Car-hopping” — where burglars check for unlocked vehicle doors and then snatch prized items — occurs up to 10 times a day, every day in Durham Region, police said Wednesday.


    And it could be cut dramatically by simply locking vehicle doors.


    Thieves focus on computer equipment, GPS units, satellite radios, wallets, sports equipment and anything else of value.


    The trend hasn’t stopped despite earlier pleas by police to have motorists lock their vehicle doors or put personal property into the trunk, Durham Regional Police Sgt. Nancy Van Rooy said.


    “The numbers are high and it is a concern,” she said.


    Police said a thief or thieves go through dozens of vehicles within a neighbourhood looking specifically for unlocked vehicles. Car-hopping is a crime of opportunity and it’s rare that a windshield is smashed to gain access into a locked car, police said.

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