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Posts posted by archer379

  1. Here is what u do go to the next guy in charge and say you want to file a complaint under the occupation health and safety act bill 168 violence and harassment in the work place they will have no choice to launch a investigation into this manager then go to union rep as high up as you can and say u want a rep with you and if not uou will take the leader ship of the union to the labour board for failing to represent you. Every member when meeting with management should have a rep with them. We have meetings every week and failure to represent comes up quite often some times the executive members may not agree with the member but we must follow there wishes even if we know its a lost cause

  2. Ask a teacher how pleased they are with their union right now. We were lead exactly to where the ministry wanted us to be from the get-go and now we are being told to resume extra-curriculars when nothing has been promised, resolved, or addressed. Watch for the former provincial executive to start working in a sweet Ministry of Ed. gig when they are voted out of office.

    The dues however, keep getting paid.

    I have to ask though, why someone making $100 a day is paying union dues to start with?

    Try to stop doing whatever you did, it will be cheaper.


    It doesn't matter how much you you make a day if its a union shop you pay.


    To the o/p if i read this right u were suspended for the day for something the union advised you to just take it or the employer can fire you in 2 weeks. If this is the case then wow you really need to talk to some one most c/a have a steps to termination most start with a verbal warning then written warning then suspension then possible termination as long as all the infractions fall with in 2 years and are related.

  3. It is called failure to represent and is a very serious offence call the labour board, i am involved with our union and know a fair bit about this subject email me if you want any more info


    [email protected]


    I have never heard of anyone suing to get dues back as you still have the benefits of the union i.e. your collective agreement. As much as you feel they did not look after you in this case they have still done a lot for you that you may not realize. But the labour board will look into it and charges can be laid

  4. what park are you in? I'm on Pigeon and may be interested.


    We are in beaver narrows just down from emily park on the other side what park are you in


    Would it be like a boater/non boater style? If so I'm listening...


    Yeah non boaters would be welcome. I think it would only be fair that they chip in some gas money to the boater.


    I want to keep is friendly with no pressure to feel you have to show up summers are pretty busy for most of us and i know i find it hard to commit to things to far in advance.


    The face book page is up not much on it yet. Pigeon lake fishing group. Come join more details will be posted there as i come up with them

  5. I have been tossing around the idea of starting a small fishing club to get to meet some fellow anglers. I know there are clubs like the bass master My idea was to start a club and only fish one lake i will have my trailer on pigeon lake near peterborough and love this lake so i will be choosing it there would be no entry fees and no prizes just bragging rights if before it starts someone wants to do biggest fish then what ever. If i get any interest i will start a facebook page. So is there any interest in my idea of the pigeon lake fishing club

  6. We are looking at one on monday going to be around the 3500 to 4000 mark includes dock private sites 3way hook ups, pools, rec hall, swimming pond, the only thing i am not sure about it is they charge 150 for extra appliances like the ac unit and hot water heater. My trailer is only 24 foot dont see it using that much hydro to make hot water and ac the 150 is for each

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