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Everything posted by mercforever

  1. I just left emil's garage ,awesome boat but too bad it's not a MERC.........lol
  2. I was home 3 yrs ago,fishing with my buddies for snow crab,western side of cape breton,basiccally along for the ride.3 captains on board,each one had taken a 800 lb + tuna on the rod,one around 1100lbs.didnt take long for me to shut up about these bass and pike i was ctching north of T.O.........My cousin hooked in to one last sept.,towed him around PEI,over 900lbs ,8hrs to land.just think,i could have flew home ,drove 3 hrs,and fought this pig for 2 hrs, sounds like extreme fishing to me........................
  3. going to the pinery provinciaol park in 2 weeks,wife booked it, not interested or geared to fish lake huron,but lo and behold lake st.clair is only 100kms away,any info on bass,pike ,perch fishing in the area would be appreciated, thanks in advance......
  4. well,thanks to emil, now i'm looking for down riggers,so if anybodys looking to unload their stuff,let me now.........awesome fishery so close to home,again,thanks for an awesome day..now i just have to figure out how to juggle bass ,pike,perch,cohos,browns.........................
  5. sorry,its london,ontario,canada........ I actually worked on the canary wharf project back in 90,91,92...stayed in a condo on the thames 5 pubs away from the job,about 2 mins walking,and the word was if you fell in the water,you went right to the hospital...people would fish the canals in the isle of dogs,pretty sad..some mornings you could of walked across it with the garbage...but thats going back15 yrs,maybe the zebra mussels have cleaned it up..........
  6. stuck out in London for the next month,staying close to the thames river,oxford and wonderland,any fishing opportunities close by?? Any info to make my stay more enjoyable wouldbe appreciated........
  7. Fished the same stretch of water,not use to this rubber stuff but looks like I might have to learn,only managed one that was picture worthy http://www.myfishingpictures.com/img/128260.JPG
  8. thinking of heading up that way this weekend,pike should be hungry........any reports would be appreciated.. thanks in advance.......
  9. hey ice, too cold to go camping this weekend or the wife wont let you,lol,i drove by,truck was on the road,you must of been filletin'......... looks like i'm going to orangeville,kid want's to go,should be a hammer handle heaven,fine with me,i need a couple of double headers,,only way i get to land one.......... chow for now.........
  10. doing a job for someone and as partial payment,was offered their cottage on lake huron for the last week of august ,close to kincardine. never fished the great lakes before,any input would be appreciated.no interest in down rigging......i got a 16ft tracker ,wiiling to drive for pike and bass... thanks in advance............
  11. grew up on the Margaree river in cape breton,try to sleep when they're squaking outside your bedroom window, a dime a dozen down there,twenty years ago..... saw one laying in the water flapping his wings headed for the sand bar....didnt want to let go of this monster atlantic salmon,pretty neat.........
  12. thanks for the input guys...... since I strictly cast and never troll ,I think I would lose,when folded down ,the backend of the boat,boats only 16 ft,might be cursing it, again thanks for all the valid points......
  13. I got a guy that will put up a stand up top ,the full monty,for my new tracker,$1200.Here's my dilema. I can imagine they're awesome when you want to get out of the elements,but I never troll,and I think I'm going to curse it more than appreciate it.$1200 can buy decent rain suits and sun screen.Any input from guys who have one would be appreciated.I gotta act fast,that $1200 is gonna be $1600 next month,slow season for them........
  14. thanks for info.might have to drill some holes tomorrow,fish it in the summer,incredible fishery, a couple of pics from last summer
  15. Just wondering if anybody's fished that way recently and if they sell minnows that way??? thanks in advance......
  16. Anybody have a lead on who does custom bimini tops around the GTA,got a new tracker,figure it might extend life of interior and extend fishing season.....any info would be appreciated..willing to trailer boat up north if need be............
  17. Sad day today,put the cover on the boat...gonna pay someone to winterize the motor but what should I do with the batteries,seats....boats going to be stored outside, I already took the deep cell out,do I have to charge it .... any input would be appreciated........
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