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Posts posted by solopaddler

  1. Nothing and I mean nothing beats this stuff.... I've had the Jamacian Blue Outhouse coffee.. but this stuff.. right from the Costa Rican Hills is what the Locals drink there.. and it is absolutley the best coffee anywhere... there I said it....




    this one in particular....




    All else pales in comparison... and there should be no more discussion...


    ...nuff said!!!

    LOL.... really.. it is really good... if anyone knows where I can get some... were out... please let me know... ill pay... whatever you want...... i NEEEDDD IT!!


    Cool, I'll have to see if I can track some of this stuff down.

    Personally the best coffee I've ever had in my life was in Cuba while bumming around on Cayo Coco. No idea exactly what it was, but it was ambrosia :) .

    The worst? I lived and worked in Manila for a spell and the coffee over there was hideous, LOL!

    (3 years of pure hell for me)

  2. The thing is it wasn't like that at all. The drift has the equivalent speed of a pond and when your floats are 20' apart minimum its not like your crowding someone....and what is with the affixiation on "those guys with float reels" seen plenty of goofs with spinning reels do the same thing. The guys drifting the whole pool are assuming everyone will follow suit... guy at the bottom tosses to the top then the 2nd guy from the bottom and so on allowing everyone to cover the pool and fish in unison. Despite what soem may think we aren't in Alaska or BC. lots of fisherman and very little water. Quit being so damn bitter and make the best of it





    Relax Nate, I don't think this was a personal attack on you or even guys that use float reels, but it soon could be if you continue in this vein.

    You have a point but that's not the way to make it.

    Don't take everything so personally....

  3. That's not the only answer. Do as my buddy Float does and bark at 'em, throw 'em in the river, cut their lines and threaten to call the MNR if they're doing anything like snaggin'. My first experience on the Ganny in the "Biway hole" 3 dirt munching greasy bizitches were weighted rig treble hooking and snagging shlamo's amongst a handful of float fishers and me fly fishing. Kev gave them one warning on a foul hooked fish they were playing while I was working a legal fish on the fly. They had no control on the fish and didn't listen to Kev so he cut their line, then threatened to call the MNR or snap their rod if they did it again. He was instantly me hero. :w00t:


    Here's a thought... in the off season spend it lifting weights everyday. Then the next time someone get's too close move right into him. I mean right into him so you're pretty much on him. If he moves, move with him. If he casts, stand right in front of his rod and him... like 6 inches from his body not touching him. Grease him like he's never been greased before. Maybe he'll take a swing so be ready to dodge that then rip him apart.


    The days of manners are fast slipping by. Boaters are in your boat if they see you catch a fish, and shore anglers are on your shoes if you're in a spot first and catching fish. It's a big fishing planet but it's being over run with impolite weekend warriors that gotta get theirs, get it quick, and those be damned who step in the way. No MNR to help people need to arm themselves with wit, bigger muscles. ;)


    I'm a lover not a fighter so that wouldn't work for me :) .

  4. Why I stopped stream fishing 22 or so years ago ! And don't miss it one bit.


    Depends on where you fish Wayne.

    I'd be happy to guide you for a day with lots of fish and no people :) .


    In response to the thread, the lack of etiquette is a common problem on our crowded rivers and has been since long before the internet was around.

    In fact, as far as Ontario rivers go I'll go so far as to say that if anything the crowds were worse back in the 70's when I started to fish steelhead.

    Back then the crowds at places like Thornbury, Meaford, Southampton and Port Hope were utterly ridiculous (and I've got the pic's to prove it :) ).

    Hey, there's nothing more annoying than getting greased out of a spot you're fishing but what can you do? :dunno:

    The only answer is drive a little further and put in the footwork and walk a little further to escape the pressure.

  5. Do you ever get dirty at all .You are the super clean fisherman.WTG :thumbsup_anim::clapping::Gonefishing:


    Trust me Mike I was actually plastered in mud, guess it just blended in with my attire.

    In fact before I left yesterday I went to the power washer and hosed myself off from head to toe :D .


    Thanks everyone for the nice comments,


    cheers, Mike

  6. Yep, don't know how else to describe the last day and 1/2, :D

    Saturday we fished from dawn 'till dusk and pretty much hooked fish all day, I felt like I was beat up with a baseball bat by the end of the day, but it was sooo worth it! :) .

    Probably the most sheer fun I've had fishing so far in /07..

    This morning was decent as well, but the crowds were brutal compared to Saturday. We fished 'till around 11 then booked it outta there and headed home.

    I'll let the pic's speak for themselves.


















































    Gotta go ice down my arm now :D .


    Cheers, Mike

  7. Nice going Jay, hard to beat those northern fish!

    I was fishing a Lake Huron trib today myself. No weather to speak of 'till around 7am when I hit the river and a blizzard struck :P .

    Heavy wet snow, cold and wind.

    Gotta love it though, there was almost no one on the river :) .


    (BTW, I'm still looking for my marked topo map with the lake we discussed on it. As soon as I find it I'll shoot you a pm)



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