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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Awesome Ben! You're so lucky to be able to fish Lac Seul through the ice, what an amazing fishery! (Post this report on the Canada board on Walleye Central and the regulars there will have a heart attack LOL!)
  2. I told you last night stop logging onto strippersonline. Do that and we should all be safe.
  3. I don't think a single person has stated they want the format of the board to change. Obviously it's good as is. What's been mentioned would be an addition to the already existing sub-boards.
  4. Nice rig! Hopefully you'll have better luck with your machine than our OFC friend up in Dryden. BTW I thought you said you met no OFC'rs? The guy with the plastic bag had to be Clamp-it .
  5. Sounds likes a great time, that silhouette shot is pretty cool.
  6. That's encouraging. I'll be sure to pack my flare gun and an extra 2 weeks of provisions.
  7. With your boat it's likely going to happen anyway!
  8. Really depends on the fluoro as to whether it's an advantage or not in clear water. Some are stiffer and more abrasion resistant than others... Everything is overkill with me, so it may not actually be a necessity. . My sudden success could have more to do with the longer 5-6' leads than anything else. (I'll have to experiment more this year). There's no doubt that especially in the summer pulling spinner rigs is more of a reaction bite. You're covering a lot of water quickly and triggering fish to hit.
  9. Sounds good bud. We'll have to get up to my place in QC in the spring for sure, we'll lay a beatin' on 'em.
  10. Cool bro thanks. How'd you like the 8' Compre?
  11. Yeah, yeah whatever . I could maybe see you googling "Strippers online", but "Stripers online"? c'mon man!!!
  12. My lake is a very typical shield lake, deep and clear with several deep basins. Because of the water clarity I started using 12lb fluorocarbon for my rigs (P-Line CFX 1st choice) and stretching them out a little longer. My success has skyrocketed since I started doing this. In more typical situations where're I'm facing more boggy tanin stained water I still use 20lb clear Trilene XT.
  13. Yep, potato cut in half has always been my remedy to that problem. Works like a charm.
  14. Well I got the nudge I needed . Just grabbed 2 of the RCN61's (largest size in left hand). Total price including shipping was $195 U.S. (Now hopefully I won't get stung with duty. They're being sent via USPS so my chances are pretty good I think)
  15. Thanks a lot guys, very helpful. Raf do you have one yourself?
  16. That's a toughie for sure LOL! (never said the concept was perfect ) Obvious criteria would be # of views and/or replys. Also ones that occur in more exotic locales, something beyond the norm.
  17. I despise being called a "steelheader", don't like to be pidgeonholed. "Pinner" is another new age term that makes me shudder LOL! From May 'till October I fish for other species and frankly love it just as much as steelheading.
  18. You have to register to search. Can't you just tell me instead? BTW what in Gods green earth is someone in Yellowknife doing lurking on a board dedicated to surf fishing for stripers? LOL!
  19. I already did a search on the board and found some chatter on the Record reels, but I'm looking to be nudged one way or the other . I'm in the market for a couple of larger reels to use for esox and found an online source where I can get the largest Record for $94 U.S. Seems like a pretty good price but uncharacteristically I'm hesitant. My finger was hovering over the "pay now" icon earlier today and I chickened out. What'ya say boys, yay or nay?
  20. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. As a member of this board or community if you will, I don't consider myself a guest. Being an active member of this community I see nothing wrong at all with expressing an idea that I truly believe is a good one.
  21. Uneventful is a very good thing. Glad to hear Dave, thanks for the update.
  22. I'm sure Irishfield will chime in.. Have a great time bud, Becca's Haven eh? You sound like a good guy to know.
  23. Night shift for me too . I've had a mix of freezing rain and snow here in Mount Hope pretty much all night.
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