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About always_release

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  1. Just increase the fine by 100 times. When people see headline "Poacher got fined for $300K and MNR took his house" problem solved.
  2. Instead of increase the limit from 300 to 500, we should urge MNR to drop it to 50!!!
  3. Well, let's look at this way, at least next time he catches a 6-1/2 pounder he probably would not keep it...
  4. I know I am being an A** here, and I apologize for that if these are your occasional keep. But do you know how many members here want to slap your friend's face who was holding a dead nickel in the parking lot when they see that picture, I just happen to be the one who spit it out. BTW, the bigger fish don't detoxicate themselves just because you say so.
  5. Yes, he released... the smaller catch. The bigger fish has more meat, more mercury and other contamination to feed the whole family. Good choice
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