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Posts posted by walleyejigger

  1. i was having all knids of light issues last year with my '06, i ended up tracing it to the fuel pump relay being badly corroded and damagged. the main wiring harness came to a "T" at the relay and from there seperating to ur rear lights. about 230$ part and 1 minute fix. unplug old one, unbolt it, plug in new one and rebolt,


    on my truck having it placed directly above the spare tire ends up being a perfect place for road salt to accumulate and wreak havoc


    prolly not ur issue but good to know

  2. stocked lakes, ice will be iffy on those lakes with the mild temperatures, a few huts out on local lakes right now but I'd say they're a little nuts, i've fallen thru moon on new years day one year but was driving my truck on a bigger local lake the day before, be prudent and check the ice


    i have friends who've been fishing the watershed/gogama/timmins area for about 3 weeks now

  3. first time i've seen it, he's passionate of what he speaks, some dont like that, it's what he's paid for so be it. The fact that he ends most of his segments the way he did in this one shows me what kind of guy he really is.


    IMO we need more people/segments on tv like this.

  4. I've had the pleasure of listening to the same debate at a well known "southern Ontario" university. It came down to pretty much a somewhat racist approach to sports. "I'm Canadian, so I cheer for the leafs" how that makes any sense is beyond me, but it is interesting.


    I myself am Canadian, born and raised in northern Ontario, There are photos of me around 2-3 years old with an oilers jersey. Why? I have no idea. My mother says it was because it was in the early Gretzky era and the jerseys were abundant n cheap. A few years later i got my first habs jersey. Why? I have no idea. But I've been a proud habs fan ever since. What boggles my mind the most is my mother hates hockey, and my father is a leafs fan.


    To say all Canadians have to cheer for Toronto, or any Canadian team for that matter is narrow minded. Plain and simple. I guess that comes from a Toronto is the be all and end all of Canada state of mind. Have fun down there.


    It's a game, quit over analyzing it and enjoy it for what it is.... a game.

  5. large lakes like wanapetei and penache are iffy right now. had a buddy who almost went thru a few times yesterday with his sled on penage. i'd take the sled to cartier and go up fox lake road, countless speckie/splake/rainbow lakes back there, few lakers too, pretty much hit any water hole in the area and you have trout

  6. being from sudbury, a trip to science north was a yearly school tripas a kid, so i've had more than my fill.


    But i would absolutely recommend it to anyone who's never been. Also i've never seen an imax i didnt like.If you get a chance go see "Wildfires" in the cavern, its awesome. Heck when else will you get to pet a porcupine or a beaver... errrr.... ya i said it

  7. lookin sweet,


    never hurts to overload puckboard with screws, as it will shrink in cold weather and expand in warm, enough so that it will snap a few of the 3/8" bolts that we use to secure it.


    i dont know about you, but the weather the last 3 days has been depressing, i usually have my hut out by christmas but i'd be very surprised if its out by the 1st week of january this year, i did walk out on the ice last weekend and it was plenty safe to walk on but i wouldn't do it today.


    at least we're back to freezing temps.


    lookin forward to next update

  8. vermillion lake itself is between chelmsford and dowling, and in the winter becomes overtaken by castles/mansions or wutever ppl. like to call them, it's primarily a party lake, fishing is done but not too seriously, easily drivable by truck and most of the time by car, literally hundreds of huts and many of them are just as nice as houses, with the comforts as well, many have a satellite dish or solar panels or christmas lights/ trees, street names, etc., roads are plowed on the lake quicker than our city/town streets, most years i make a jug curling rink on the lake, painted circles and lines and all. visiting family and friends during winter months happens more at the castle than our actual homes, thus the reason i have 2 huts, one for socializing and another on a different lake for actual fishing,


    whitewater lake in azilda is the same,

  9. Is that going to be a "Vermillion" castle? Looking really good!


    lol, i have a vermillion castle, if it wasnt for the comfort of the castles nobody would be there cause there's hardly any fish worth catching, more of a "social" lake if you get my drift, my actual "fishing hut" is quite a bit further from home, the castle is a 15 minute drive,

  10. wood stove all the way, for the cooking and dry of clothes/floor alone,


    another thing i found is when its -30 out there and u open the door the heat escapes and the time to recover. reheat the hut with propane is too long, wood stove is instant

  11. Never been an anchor person always trolled for stocked trout, stealth approach is always better especially if they're shallow, so electric motor ideal, or paddle( correctly) smoothly no splashing no banging on side of boat or canoe should be one smooth fluid motion, I've also used outboards with great success also, either long lining or small planer boards help,


    Have always liked fishing with very light line and ultra light rods, low visibility line is the key, so is it classic clear trout waters or dark stained water, I find the stained lakes make for more beautifully dark colored fish,


    Good luck,


    Btw, the aurora is not a myth, you'll see one day, the time and effort will be worth it

  12. I still run an old 2 stroke so not too familiar with 4 strokes but, I heard in the past you had to be careful on which side you lay the motor down when transporting, not sure if they are still like that or not


    I would assume it was so the oil didn't go where it shouldn't, kinda like flipping a lawnmower onto it's wrong side n flooding it with oil then not starting, only after sitting upright and letting the oil swap back will it start, but then usually burn oil,


    Might not make sense but just a thought

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