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About Basscat

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  1. Well done, doing it solo as well congrats!
  2. I wanted the MAV when they were first introduced but could not justify the price but I found a place selling all of their MarCum and Aqua Vu half off, and they had the MAV marked down from $2499.00 to $899 so I had to do it. here is a link for anyone looking for a good deal on underwater cameras Click here The MAV does not work with the Aqua Vu DVR so I will need to figure out a different way to record thought the RCA Video out jack how do you do it with your 825C?
  3. Hey Terry thanks for the Video nice to see that there is at least one other guy out there using his camera during the open water season. I just bought the MAV because I have used my camera so much. hopefully I can post some video as well. and I agree with you on many of the lakes I look at with the camera it is hard to believe you dont hit a carp with every cast.
  4. Well I bought it, should be here in 4 days! I will post a review once it is rigged up. cant wait to give it a try.
  5. I agree I love how slow you can work the bait as it is almost neutraly bouyant small twitches you can hang it longer in the strick zone. Mine has enough fish caught on it to earn a spot in the confidence box.
  6. I agree with what you said about Bait size. I am not sure if there is a bait that is to big. I caught this fish this past weekend on a 10" Phantom it was one of the worst removals I had to do. The fish swallowed the entire bait It was like performing oral sugery thank good I pinch down the barbs. The fish made it. but it goes to show you that with one quick move the can swallow a 10" mid day snack whole.
  7. The problem for me is once you get one tool it steers you towards another. does the madness ever stop?
  8. Even though I am running a Hummingbird SI unit on my counsel and a 522C on my bow I still like to get my eye balls under the water. I have been using my old Aqua Vu in open water more and more lately and am considering purchasing a MAV as the price has come down considerably since they were first introduced. I lkie the idea of running it hands free so I can fish while viewing I found a company Click Here selling them for next to nothing. Does anyone have experience with this unit?
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