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About Kellyb

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  1. I misread what TJ said about what was coming, I thought he wrote funny not fun
  2. I bet it's something to do with Rick Mercer do I win a prize TJ?
  3. try using foam ear plugs or cigarette buts
  4. Do you think it's Ontario Angling Exposed?? lol
  5. Well I think it would be good for the Brown Trout population in your local area, so I say go for it!
  6. I hope you let Randy go! we have had some good times
  7. Hey I read this story on a fishing blog about a guy that chums with dog food to catch hatchery rainbow trout in lakes http://www.fishingwithrandle.com/2009/07/f...s-with-dog.html He claims that it has been a very successful method for him. Can this really work? Has anyone here ever tried this before?
  8. Hey Patrick thanks for sharing so much information with us all. Have you ever fished Flack Lake before? Hope you don't stop posting because of a couple of jerks. from what I have read most of your posts are right on the money.
  9. is he moving his shop back to Burlington?
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