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Status Updates posted by tightline

  1. Hey Dara just thought I'd drop you a line and shoot you my phone number..519 807 0187..I'm in the soo now until wednesday were thinking give me a call if you get some time..thanks again for the help

  2. I'm there from Sunday through Thursday or Friday...thanks allot that is great of you

  3. I'm there from Sunday through to thurs or friday...thanks allot thats awesome of you

  4. Hey T, Tightline here. I'm heading to the Soo next week and the boys on the site say your the man to talk too. If theres any chance I can pick your brain a bit before I leave please message me. I have never been before and was hoping for a little friendly advice..no hot spots just the right direction. Thanks

  5. Short one today then off to the SOO!! OMG I couldn't be more excited about this vacation!!!

  6. Hey Dara thanks for the input, if theres any chance you want to get out for a day I'll shoot you my phone number. No pressure, beer and lunch on me? Just don't want to spend a week scratching my head wondering what I did wrong. I've been watching the LSSU fish cam, looks like quite the fishery.

  7. Hey Moosemerch just wanted to say good luck out there this year..Team 7 FTW!!!

  8. Hey Fishingnut I just saw were on the same team so I thought I should add you...Seems were in the same neck of the woods, if your ever in Guelph and want to hit the lake PM me, or I have a 14 foot'r with a 28hp and trailer ready to roll anytime anywhere...Tightlines man good luck out there!!

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