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About shurik_muff

  • Birthday 10/30/1980

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  1. hello guys. just rebuild the motor, 2scl, 3 cilinder. motor has oil pamp already. i was told the first fill up or so, to mix the gas as well, 50:1 ratio. now every time the motor is cold, after 2-5 minutes, one of the cylinders blows the spark plug. i change 3 already in 2 days. can some one confirm that incorect mixture can cause this problem? i asume, mixture at the moment is 25:1, due to pamp mixing 50:1 and gas tank is also mixed 50:1. thanks again
  2. fishing french river, we had almost zero luck last year. i think we went for muskie opener if not mistaken. water levels been lower by 3 feet or so. none of the fishermen catch anything in those 3-4 days we stayed there. i guess one of those lousy weeks for fishing. i hope you have luck and something to show when you come back. i really liked the nature along the river. would love to come back again. but not sure if its worth it after last trip$$$
  3. hello guys. i have a NISSAN NS90A 90hp outboard. to make the story short, i bought a lemon last year. had to rebuilt 3 cyls. now when everything looks in order, timing needs adjusting. somewhere, its off. motor works on high rpms (1500) when on chock. on idle, should work at around 900rpm. as soon as chock is off, motor slowly drops rpms, and shuts off. i bought the book, but steps look confusing to someone with limited knowledge. can someone guide me in the right direction, or the right person to go to? in a perfect world, somewhere in etobicoke. there is oficial dealer in oakville, but i wont take the boat there even if it was last place on earth. boat was there twice last year, for countless labour hours, and a few atempts to sell parts i do not need. also, called to mercury dealer, but they do not touch anything but mercury. there has to be someone with skill set to adjust timing, i just dont know him yet. please give me advice where to go. how long it can take? maybe even how much it migh cost? thanks
  4. go to humber river... under old mills station. lots of steelheads, some browns. but unfortunaly, you will have to know what you doing, they do not jump into your net. anyways, not sure what you will catch with all this rain/wind this week. man, having ONE year old kids running around while you fishing, is not the greatest idea. i prefer having those 40 lb dogs running around, who aperantly do not bite, piss on your takle boxes, and jumping into the water, scaring all the fish. one of the main reasons i try to stick to boat fishing.
  5. few days ago, my father catch a few at humber river, while fishing for bow. old mills bridge(bloor/jane area). its just a mater of time when you will have 100s of them grabing everything you trow at them
  6. thats me again with outboard motor questions:) thanks to all who replied about my hissan 60hp not starting. problem solved with new starter. now for the motor number 2. 90Hp, NISSAN, 3 cyl. we have rebuild the motor completely. redone the 3 housings, increased compresion. changed all the guskets, rebuild the carburator. now, it seems like the timing is wrong. i have no clue about it. i do not mind taking the boat to garage, to deal with it by professional. but do not want to take it to oficial dealer... who in fact, mdke enough from me. can some one tell me how much it might cost me? is there a difference between different manufactors? maybe some one knows a guy in south etobicoke who dose this? thanks
  7. my number 1 guess. maybe you overfilled motor with gas, sparplugs cannot fire????? also, check sparkplugs and their spacing. i bought new ones last year, recomended by manual. strangly enough, they had bigger gap. had to bend them in to work properly. did you dump your last years gas? you could have colected some garbage, that pluged the line. maybe carburator? my motor didnt start as well. i posted here, and a few guys saved me a lot of time and nerves. flyweel was spinning, but i guess not enough to start the motor. apperantly, starter was gone. had to replace it.
  8. hello guys. i am planning to upgrade my 5-6 year old fishfinder. i do not want to spend more than 300-350 for it. i been checking basspro, found sme nice/complicated ones: 1. Humminbird® Fishfinder 768 Sonar External GPS Combo - 299 2. Lowrance® Mark-5x DSI Gray Scale Fishfinder - 299 knowing its an american based site, most than likely our store wont have it, or will for a different price. can some one recoment what models are good... would like to have mapping and gps included. and something thats somewhat reliable. i do not care about colour screens, high resolution. and enother question.... can i have 2 fishfinders installed to feed from same battery as the motor? i do have additional 2 batteries that attached to trolling motor, maybe its beter to attach on them???
  9. 2 bad this guys do not have google adds.
  10. thank everyone for help. it was starter after all. i was trying to find parts for it, to repair myself, but unfortunally, some companies monopolize their product, leave you no choice but to buy from them only, and for astronomical prices. i was given option to pay 570 for starter, 100 for order, and 60 for TESTING their new product. isnt that should be a given... you buy brand new working 100% part. any waays, to make the story short, i found a very nice older man, who fixes starters for cars. i couldnt fix starter myself, no parts....he also couldnt get the bloody brashes and one more thing (forgot english name for it). mechanic, found a warehouse, some what wasnt suprise for me, that holds and ships to missan dealer. basically, i payed 260+hst with delivery to the door in half an hour. and i hardly convinsed denis to take a few bucks for his service. unbeliavable, but these guys still exist. 5 minutes to install, and the boat started first try no problem. ps in states its much cheaper to buy, but delivery and time for shiping is to long. like for everyhting else, i need it wright away before i loose the will to do something.
  11. thank you all for replies. today i gave a little hit to the starter cover (something i read on other posts). now with ignition on, it starts to spin, just not enough to start the motor. some times i can hear empty spin. also, its good for 3-4 tries. then again, clicking with out spining. i hope it makes sence. could it be worn out brashes????? just in case its bad, can it be rebuild?
  12. hello guys. i have spend half a day trying to start an outboard 90hp motor, nissan 1994. boat was siting since last july. at first, when trying to run the motor, flyweel was starting to spin, but the motor wouldnt start. it happened before, most of the time when boat was cold. after lets say 5-10 try, the motor would start, warm up and no problem for the rest of the day. here is the real problem. i tried to run the motor over 20 times. then every time i turn the ignition, i hear click and thats it. is it possible that the starter died???? is there a way to check, troubleshoot the starter? i borowed a battery from friend, will charge it fully and try again. in the mean time, pulling my hair out. if anyone had experience with this, please help. i wanna avoid goind to mechanic if its something small. thanks
  13. first of all, i am not an expert. i will tell you how i got taken with one. i started the boat i bought on the parking lot. it run no problem after 3-4 tries. when i took it on the water, it run no problem. only when i wanted to go faster, in didnt go no where. basically, boat didnt go more than 5km/hr. i took it to mechanic in port perry. first thing they checked the compresion. the motor is nissan's, 3 cldr, 90hp. compresion on two cylinders was 140. on the middle one, it was 110. the way i was explained, compression should be close on all 3, with small difference. it took me 4 weeks to rebuild the motor with a friend of mine. cost us 1300 in parts. head guskets, cylinders, electrical. it was a great buy after everything was fixed, but i wouldnt go through it if i knew. also, see if head is not bended. if it is, you will spend a fortune to replace it. also, i drive only american cars. but a few fishermen with johnsons, mercury and etc not to happy. if you new, you wont have a problem for a while, but used are different story. just my 2 cents on the topic.
  14. ok guys, thanks for advices and tips. couldnt get the 3M product no were. one of my bodies is working for honda dealer, and does paint work for them. they are usung the 3M stuff, but i would not be able to get the compaunds earlier than month or so. i have found a product called "buff magic" and "pro polish" by SHURHOLD. for both compounds paid about 50 bucks. i did a sample on the boat, and couldnt believe my eyes. basically in a few minutes area became like new. for a moment i was more excited than going for muskie opening. i was trying to avoid wet sanding as many recomended, just because i had no clue how to do it corectly, and had no desire to spend few days for restoration. i will try to finish tomorrow and will post pics. hopfully it will help some one as well before season starts.
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