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Posts posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. was at the last game at Maple leaf gardens. Was thinking at the time if it wasnt a leaf to get the last goal I hope it was Probert.


    One of the toughest guys in the game ever, who also had a bit of a scoring touch! RIP 24

  2. 2 things i would watch for. If they chase raccoons by water, the pups could be in for it. Racoons have been known to jump on the backs of dogs and drown them. Since your dogs are big boys it would be only a couple minutes. I have a newfoundland and I heard from my breader that 2 racoons almost drowned one of his years back and newfs are incredibly strong swimmers.


    Part 2 is, since you have males. Wolves have attacked dogs and killed them many times, by sending out a female in heat. Then ambushing dogs. Wolves are wild pack animals and would not have a problem taking down a big dog like a mastiff. I would not let them to far from you if there are wolves in the area, and keep them on a long leash if you have to go do your business.


    The chance of either of the above happening is very unlikely but it happens every year so do be aware.


    As for Coyotes? My 8 month old newfoundland has chased them away from our house before with her bark and my old golden (r.i.p) used to growl at them while camping up north and they always took off.


    I love having my dogs with me while camping. It should be a great trip for you and the pups!



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