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Everything posted by Devious

  1. I don't quite understand what the need for the gaff is? You say muskie can be difficult to net but then you say you can gaff them precisely in the lip to avoid the gills? This is a bit contradicting no?
  2. So true.....I just got into muskie fishing last fall (got out 3 times) and aside from the proper release tools the weighted suicks would be next on my to buy list for any beginners. I got my first muskie (39") on a 10" weighted suick and had a 40+ follow me up on the same bait.....gave me a ton of confidence for the future when fishing suicks....I also want to say these guys here are bang on when suggesting 8ft+ rods....they really are a treat to fish with when going for muskies.....aside from that make sure you have a great net too......frabill quik cradle made it easy and painless when handing muskies....It can be expensive to get started up for muskie fishing but you will thank yourself (and those here) for being prepared with the proper gear once you have that big fish on and need to release it properly!!
  3. Nice fish man...must of been nice to get one on the new combo and a good one at that!
  4. I disagree....I got my rapala scale for $20 and have weighed numerous weights to check for accuracy and its usually bang on and if not close to within 1 oz......
  5. The Kingston Gardiners road location has its fishing department run by a guy who used to own a local fishing store in Kingston. He brings in a huge amount of stuff that typical Canadian tires don't have so were a little spoiled in Kingston...sometimes its a little expensive but at least the selection is there. Sadly enough most of my fishing tackle is purchased in bulk down in the US as I simply cant afford the quality of stuff I like to fish and buy it consistently up here. I will recommend Quinte Outdoors which is on the 62 exit north of belleville....I got all my crutial casting rods there for $145 and find their rod prices are significantly cheaper then anywhere....including the US.
  6. I haven't ever had one bite a top water lure but I have seen walleye go after live frogs swimming on the surface at a local fish farm so it doesn't surprise me. Nice fish!
  7. Sorry its taken me so long to get these posted guys.....the colours look pretty cool
  8. Maybe? Ive fished this lake all summer since I was kid since thats where our cottage is and ive never seen anything like it...or on any lake ive fished for that matter.
  9. Didnt take long to land at all because it wasnt all that big....around a lb or a bit smaller I think...not sure how warm the water was but it was warm out yesterday....im gonna try and post the pics later but im not sure if Ill be able to get them for tonight.
  10. I was out fishing with my buddy Jeff last night for largies and he caught one that had bright orange fins and tail? This was on a back lake and ive never seen anything like it....every fin including the tail was bright bright orange exactly like a perch....we got some pics but I dont have them yet and will post them when Jeff sends them to me. Anyone experienced this or have an explanation? Did a perch bone a bass ? Haha
  11. Ya it doesn't take long ......once braided line is frayed slightly the integrity of the line is gone.
  12. Unreal.....awesome trip and report boys....
  13. I have found in the past when using worm weights (especially with braided lines) that after a while if the weights do not have a perfectly smooth edge sometimes over the course of the day it will fray the line...and eventually cause it to snap off. I used to have this problem alot when using a steel kind of weight but I haven't tried the tungsten's.
  14. Ya we did but forgot to measure it! It weighed 6lbs4oz.
  15. Thanks efka....I should also add that all fish were released including the big boy.
  16. Got out out fishing with my buddy Jeff on saturday for the bass opener. We were up at 4:30am and extremely excited to get on the water as im sure everyone else was on saturday. There was a bass derby on the same lake we planned to fish so we split a ticket and took our chances with the big fish. We got on the water around 6am and went straight to a weed bed we knew held some dandys. No more then 20 mins into the day Jeff sets into this big boy and shortly after was yelling at me I HAVE THE WINNER ON MY LINE!! haha....I quickly reeled in and grabbed the net patiently waiting beside jeff who was now fighting his PB largemouth...it jumped once and took one very hard/long run at the boat where for a split second we thought it might get off but we manged to get it in. 6lbs 4oz What a pig..... My big fish of the day...just over 3.5lbs haha might as well be a baby.... Our buddy Jay actually called Jeff out on facebook saying he was going to win the derby and not jeff.....well jeff had other things in mind apparantly hahaha. Overall it was a great day day on the water...beautiful weather and tons of fish...I don't think I could of complained about anything and getting to witness a catch like that is amazing....... hope everyone had a great opening weekend.
  17. Looks like a pike to me...
  18. Tie between spinnerbait and jig and pig
  19. I know people fish for them out division street off the loughborough bridge when the season opens but im not sure if you can still get them there now...
  20. Thanks johnny, no idea on the lengths unfortunately
  21. Sorry guys....ill keep that in mind for the future I wasn't aware it put that much stress on the fish.
  22. Got out fishing this weekend with my buddy jeff up at his cottage and got into the pike again...this season has been awesome so far. This is the only pic I have from sat as Jeff didnt send me the others....our big fish each this day was around 6lbs Now....I went home sat night and the next morning I got a call from Jeff saying he got into a dandy....here it is 13lbs 2oz....and he even managed to get decent pics by himself in the boat!
  23. Whats up fellas...used to be a member here but haven't posted in a while....Been having some success this week fishing for pike so I thought id share a report with everyone here. These fish were all caught over the past two days (Kingston area). First day my buddy jesse and I went out and caught quite a few fish and ended up keeping these two which were just over 5lbs Today I went out with my buddy kyle and fishing was relatively slow until I hooked into this dandy.....I look half retarded in the first pic haha.. 9.11 lbs and I can assure everyone that this one was released Chochi pissed he was napping when I got the big one hahahah Thats it for now but ill try and post more reports in the future.
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