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Everything posted by crappyfisherman

  1. thanks fellas. makes me feel better knowing im not hurting it. Cheers!
  2. any one know what ratio i should be using with my mid 70's "500 Mercury"? ive been told 50-1 but would like to know forsure, keep the old girl happy. thanks
  3. heading up to nosbonsing this weekend. any one with experience on this lake have any tips or hot spots, baits, lures? would love to hook an musky! heading up friday early AM and staying on the lake for the weekend.
  4. Hey boys, Im heading up to Good Old "Sparrow Lake" for a weekend of ice fising. Does any one have tips or lacations that have had good catchs? I was up last winter, but didnt have any luck, hoping for better results this time around. Thanks guys! Cheers!
  5. Im from Hamilton, I'm wondering who's been out on the lake or in the bay this year? I know with the weather we've had this year, the salmon must be just about ready to come up, if they already not. Does any one have any idea whats going on out on the water? i dont have downriggers, i use divers, just wondering whens a good time to get started. Thanks guys
  6. CLofchik really doesnt like bass, do you? did one steal your favorite lure?
  7. these were some of my catches.
  8. awesome catch!~ where were you ?
  9. was out on the lake this weekend, we were in behind the plant in nanticoke. in the past this has been a hot spot for bass, as for this weekend, not so hot. although we caught about 30 large size perch, not so much bass. i was able to land one silver bass, but for a well known area for bass, i was a little disappointed. now i talked to a local later that day, and he says that he herd it was because the plant was shut down for the year. does any body know if this is really the case or is there a better reason? for people that dont know this area, the plant uses the lake to cool the machines down, sending a warm water back into the lake, which is apparently why the bass like this area so much. please, can i hear your input? & thanks very much
  10. The Toronto maple leafs are saying they have a number of offers as of this afternoon for tomas kaberle. Could this be what they have been waiting for? a number of the trade offers have included more then one leaf player! Are the leafs going to move up in the draft pick? are they going to have their chance to pick up Tavares? or is it going to take more then just a couple of leafs to earn the #1 or #2 pick? Maybe a future draft pick to go with kaberle and schenn maybe??? or are these trade all part of another big picture? Maybe this is all about Mr. Heatly? or could this be the vincent lecavalier trade we've been hearing about?!? what is an offensive deffencemen like kaberle really worth? Is he worth the same as Bomeister? could a Kaberle for Bomeister be ? or is this all just another chance that the leafs are going to let slip out of their hands???
  11. some nice fish there! good stuff bud!~ havent hadd much luck my self with pike, keeping my figures crossed this year. will target them a little bit more!~ thanks for sharing pics bud!~
  12. thanks again. not going to give up, will problebly get out on the lake sunday morning and try again! going up to the grand river friday and sat, for some walleye happy fishing
  13. looks like it was an enjoyable outing!~ good stuff bud! Thank you for sharing
  14. the grand river has great spots! iver been out twise this year for walleye and in those two outings ive landed 5 or 6. 2 of them were over 5 pounds about 32'' maybe a little bit more, the others were 2-3 lbs about 20". grand river is great! just need to find a nice drop off, and trow in a diving silver rapala original floater, and have fune! walleye are night fish, so early morning or sunset are best times.... im actually heading to the grand river tomorrow night after work for a day of fishing! will post some pics sat! good luck
  15. nice fish moe! looks like you made a good call on going out last night!~ thanks for the advise on my wall, but i dont have riggers, i was using dippsy's. i just installed rod holders this past week, and am still trying different techniques out. i only wish i could land something half the size you and the girls pulled in yesterday! will upgrade one day to some down riggers, as for now, im going to have to work with what i have. im not sure how much deaper dippsy's can dive, i had a #1 on and it could get me down to 70' . like i said tho, no luck, just a little rainbow. if you have any other advise for me, im all eyes and ears! thanks again, and happy fishing
  16. will take everything in and try again this weekend.... still new with the salmon.... thanks again everyone!
  17. i was using spoons of all different sizes and colours, darks, lights flashy ones, red devils..... i had them on dipsy divers.... im not sure if it was just a bad day, it was a new moon, dont know if that means anything, but there wasnt much action any where else on the water that day! will try again this weekend! hope i have a few tips by then. Thank you
  18. im not to sure about the area's your talking about, but ive had lots of luck with the bass in dunville by the damn, or below it, ive always get a couple around cayuga, or york like the last guy was talking about, as well, i always have a good time in calidonia right at the damn, doesnt matter if your above it or below it! good luck and have fun!~
  19. hello to all, i was told the hot spot to fish for salmon was out on lake ontario, about a mile off shore from bronte harbour. when we got there , we knew we were in the right spot because there was about 20 other boats in a square Km. as well , once we got to this area, the fish finder started to read hundreds of fish, every where in the area. the fish were ranging any where from 30 ft to 175 ft. we were in depts of 180ft. Now heres my question. does any one know where in depts, at this time of year, will the salmon be haning out? i know it has to do with the water temperature, but i dont have anything to read the different depts temps. i had my one line set to about 50 ft down, the other around 30 ft. i ended up landing a 2.5lbs rainbow, but no luck all day with the salmon. we were on the water by 6 am, so im pretty sure it wasnt the time of day that was skunking us. if theres any one who can help me, that would be great! you all help so much on here, thanks to every one once again!!!
  20. Alight.... went out sat AM. was in the grand from 600am until noon. it was a beautiful day to be on the water, but not to be fishing. between the gf, my bud, and I, we pulled in maybe 8 fish, do we didnt get skunked, but no walleye. My gf lisa caught a PB catfish weighting in at about 4 1/2 pounds, and the rest were small cats and a few medium sheephead. where were all the walleye? some one told us it had to do with the full moon? sounds right, but i didnt think the moon was actually full on friday night. anyways, will post pics of lisa's PB tonight, she had fun with it, cant say it wasnt fun for us either... happy fishing, Chow~
  21. thanks will, most likely be at the damn, should be there by 6 am.... happy fishing
  22. thanks bud... will post report tommorow, hopefully il have some pics
  23. that could be fun. what about walleye? i hurd they were in there... were launching at fishmaster bait shop.... just below the damn in dunville
  24. Silver Mepps #4 any given day you can catch any given fish with it.... YA BABY!
  25. hey there. i like fishing at binbrook.... lots of luck with small mouth aswell, another 3 weeks and bass season is open. but to answer your questiong about crappy... im your man!~ ive hadd the best luck in my favorite spot there.... if you go to the side of the lake where whitechurch road is....walk dirrectly infront of the gate down the rocks and fish right in that area. ive had some luck with silver spinners, mepps or something simular. Good luck and post a report of your actches.... there will be catches. take some pics if you can.
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