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Posts posted by douG

  1. Garmin 76CSX, had it for four years. This thing will tell me what side of the street I am on. The topo Canada map has incredible detail, even portages between tiny lakes north of Superior. It has huge memory capability, is waterproof, and it floats.


    Be wary of using a GPS that doesn't store a map. An old buddy was hunting, and stored the location of his truck, but failed to load the map for the area. As a result, he was stuck trying to find a good way around a big (unknown) swamp in late October with the sun going down - he didn't know where he was, only where his truck was. He got very wet, and cold, and likely would not have made his way out that night, or at all. FRS radio, lots of ammo for signalling, and buddies looking for him saved his hairy pimply that day.


    The price being quoted for a gps like this one is a great deal, I paid almost double that, still worth every penny.

  2. Yes. I do. I record every episode too and go over it frame by frame in case the gov't is trying to use subliminal mind control on me.

    PCT Foil Hat.jpg












    Just kidding actually , no I wouldn't waste time on that kind of drivel. KickingFrog has it right and no I am not being closed minded I am being open minded enough to know fraud. And no I am not afraid to ask questions.


    I see you did the foil hat with the shiny side out, as it should be. Otherwise, you just look silly.

  3. Vans, we talked about this a couple of years ago. I still don't get what the display will look like. I get the transducers, but not how you can display what is below and off to the sides, north south east and west, on one screen. Do you plan on cursors that will scan your data right and left and all around?


    I will be really excited to see this take off - you have a great mind and fabulous drive. Best of luck to you.

  4. Massive amounts of snow for London and Kitchener, brutal. This northerly flow rivals the westerlies that hammered Buffalo last week. GB and Lake Huron are still in the high single digits and these cold winds over warm water mean lots of shovel action downwind.


    South of Pearson airport, we got an inch over the last 24 hours. No call for the army yet. The bananas are still doing fine.

  5. I have a cat. Big Kid insisted on the no declaw, so we tried the fake fingernails - you put them on with crazy glue. Guess how much fun it is being glued to your nutbar cat. Just keep away from the fully operational rear slicers and you'll be fine.


    We learned that the falsies came off in a couple of days. But, I've got some comfy leather furniture and that's why I locked out the doors to living and dining room. So, we've gained a kitten and lost 300 sq ft of living space?


    Neuter time came and went, and so did those front slashers. Indoor cats will survive declawing - those razors are only needed for executing the finches, robins and songbirds in your backyard.


    She's still a nutbar that follows humans, pets herself on your foot, helps folding the laundry and opening mail, and will fetch for hours.


    I like dogs a bunch. There are stupid dogs, and stupid neurotic cats as well. This one is a good kitty.

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