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Posts posted by douG

  1. I'm still a dandy swimmer. Took the weekday lessons at the Y i Peterborough, and spent Saturday mornings there too doing the Y type activities they had. As a teen, I would swim up and down the Otonnabee all afternoon.


    I think we all should know how to swim. I got knocked off the dock at Lakair once by a freight train. Even tho I knew I would be ok in the water, my life still flashed in front of me. What a sobering experience that was. Well, almost sobering.

  2. I think that the photos were stripped from a Dutch fishing site that is no longer in operation.


    I found that the fisherman's name is Ewout Blom, and you can find them by googling 'Ewout Blom pike'.




    Here's another link to some more pictures.

  3. I want to take my Dad, along with bro and Dad's buddy, to a kick-ass laker destination next June. We are looking for a remote place, with full American plan, one or two guided days, four or five nights in, all food and fuel included.


    I know that there is incredible fishing in NWT and Labrador, but that might be a little rich for our tastes. Northern Manitoba might be as far as we are willing to travel, but would prefer northern Ontario. We aren't looking for trophies, but a few 10 - 20 lbers would be nice to find, as well as good numbers of smaller fish. We won't be packing any fish out and will release the biguns, but some shore lunch of fresh leetle ones would be great.


    I am looking for recommendations, as well as some other advice. Should we make a decision and book now, or wait till the Spring Fishing Show?

  4. This is from Snopes.com.


    Shark Catch in Yarmouth Nova Scotia


    This Mako was hooked in the mouth, only fought slightly for 15 minutes, came up along side of the boat to have a look, long enough for one of the crew to put a rope around it tail!!! That's when the s**t hit the fan!!


    The female mako shark pictured here was hooked in August 2004 during the Yarmouth Shark Scramble (an annual shark-fishing derby) by 28-year-old Jamie Doucette of Wedgeport, Nova Scotia, who battled the monster fish for 40 minutes before landing it. According to one newspaper account of the event:


    In a scene reminiscent of "Jaws," the fish tugged the boat sideways [and] surged to the surface near the bow, a mako with a broad head and rows of razor teeth, chewing through steel leader.


    Doucette reeled it in and other anglers wrapped it in ropes as the shark chewed through the knots. One loop circled its torso, the other the tail; one man leaned over the boat and slit its throat as Jaws thrashed for something to bite. It died 20 minutes later.


    The shark was officially measured at 10 feet, 10 inches (3.3 meters) and 1,082 lbs. (492 kg), netting $3,000 in prize money for Doucette, who said:


    I felt bad that we caught her at the prime of her reproductive cycle. When they get to be this massive they call them queens of the sea. I would have let her go if I had been by myself, but it's different when you have four or five other guys on the boat. You've got to win.


    As chronicled at the Magazine Yarmouth web site, other circulating versions of these photographs erroneously place the shark catch on the wrong coast of Canada, warning readers to stay away from Port Albion, Ucluelet, and Barkley Sound in British Columbia.


    Note the phone number on the jib crane. 902 area code is Nova Scotia, and 481 is a Dartmouth exchange.

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