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Posts posted by douG

  1. That sounds alomst perfect to me, TJSA. I think you are missing a can of Habitant pea soup, lid almost removed to keep the ashes out. If you want yer soup hot, you have to heat it there. Do you grill sardines too? What's a pork smokie?


    Inquiring minds need to know.

  2. We are all different in many ways. Post whatever you want, however you want to do it. This world and the bigger one outside (the real one) would be a boring tedious place if we were all the same. Everyone have a nice day, now.

  3. It'll be a full day to get there, flying Toronto to Winnipeg, then a short 5 hour drive back east almost to Dryden and north to Red Lake. We will take motel rooms and dinner in Red Lake, and then a 25 minute flight by float plane to the lodge the next morning after breakfast. We'll spend Sunday night in Red lake, then four nights in, leaving for Toronto on Friday.


    We could fly from Winnipeg to Red Lake, but Bearskin AL wants more than WestJet does for the TO/Peg leg. We'll save more than three large by doing the driving.


    The crew is my Dad and 2 of his cronies from our Algonquin Park crew, and possibly my brother. Dad is the youngest of his group at a spry 74, while Marc, the eldest statesman is almost 80. As for my brother, nobody likes him, so it doesn't matter really one way or the other. I'm getting used to him tho.










    Tennessee Guy knows the area well, and has been giving me lots of great info. Thanks very much, Connie. If you are in the area while we are there, make sure you stop in for a smart beverage.


    Peg Leg. I SAID, oh never mind.

  4. I finally got the team on the same page, and I'm confirmed for Booi's Lodge on Trout Lake near Red Lake Ontario for next July. Looks like this will come together, finally.


    We'll be trying the full Am plan this trip, enjoying Jim and Tracy's hospitality and fine cooking when we are not hunting the lakers and walleye.



    Good thing I'm not excited yet.



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