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Posts posted by tjsa

  1. thanks boys!


    tjsa, i think i broke my wrist the same year! same way too, except it was a dirtbike accident (trusty ol' kx100) so i flew over the handle bars and braced for impact and sure enough she let go. my wrist ended up being the palm of my hand sorta. was pretty nasty to look at. great day though, i gotta say.

    Mine was not that bad, it was lined up perfectly. Broke it moose scouting. Bud ahead of me got a soaker walking into a swamp, said thanks Ken, then proceeded to slip off a hidden rock in the weeds, lol . Finished the 10 minute walk out, then 10 min. later said to my buds, I gotta go to emerg, I think I broke my wrist.


    Still, watching the emerg doctor and technician trying to re-break that kids thumb gave me a queezy feeling.


    They gave me a prescription for Tylenol 3.

    I read it, and interpreted it differently.

    My bud had a pizzeria, and sold Toby's, so I went there and drank 3 of them, lol


    Gave my prescription to my Dad, he got them for free, for being over 65.

    I never took one pill.

    Ya gotta get a freebie every now and then.

  2. Any suggestions as to how I can flip a 1400 pound 18' bass boat? I need to put it upside down to do some repairs.


    Other than manufacturers shops, authorized service centers, I cannot see anyone flipping a boat of that weight upside down. You can do it I am sure, with the right equipment, but the motor has to come off, and if the gas tank is integral to the boat, that has to be dealt with(oil reservoir also). I also dunno if I wanna be underneath a boat that weight on a floor dolly doing repairs, even if the trailer is between me and the boat.

  3. Just go to the hospital to get it checked just in case, get xrayed. Worst thing is if it is broken through the joint (my finger), then you might not be able to ever bend it to full flexion ever again. All they do is use a popsicle stick splint, but it was good to know from xray if it is truely broken or not.


    What Syn said, did this to my right hand pinky finger over 15 yrs. ago, hooked a really good fish while fall chinook fishing. Missed the rock I was aiming for, and my finger was bent sideways at a 45 degree angle. Gave my rod to my bud(he landed the fish, just a lake trout). While he was downstream I had my hand in the cold water, looked at it, then gave a pull and it popped right back in. It was dislocated. Wrapped it to the next finger with electrical tape and kept fishing. But, now I am dealing with this, and it gives me grief from time to time. I have also dislocated it 5 or 6 more times at least, the tendons are not that strong any more along with the calcium buildup. My doc says its not really repairable at this stage.


    Sorry for the blurry pic, I am right handed and the shutter release is on the right hand side of the camera.




    I also broke my wrist in 1995, went into emerg, they wrapped me in a sling after x-rays and was waiting there for them to give me more info. A kid was there, whose thumb had been broken the week before. He just did not think so. They froze it, and I got to watch the emerg doc try to re-break it, with help. Couldn't be done. He was taken off to make an appointment for surgery to repair it.

  4. Off to a local lake up here, fishing has been a bit tough this year for some reason. But, a sign from the heavens............today is going to be a good day.




    Walked out, as ice deterioration for driving out since last weekend has been an issue up here. One truck is in 30-40 ft. of water somewhere.

    He was trying to get near another truck partially through when his went through. All anglers are OK though. Ice thickness was probably 18-20",(probably about 6 inches more last weekend) but it was hard on top, and half way through, it got soft. When we moved to another location, it was hard all the way through, depends where you went I guess.


    We got on fish right away, but missed a bunch of them. I had a fish following, but, it must have been a male, failure to commit. Reeled up the jig and minnow and dropped down the plastic minnow imitation. It got within 6 ft. of bottom, and the fish rose and smoked it. Not a big fish, about 14", but my first keeper.




    We had fish occasionally for the next 2 hrs. Caught some under slot fish, and my one bud got a really nice perch which I did not get a close up of. He landed one keeper, but it had lymphocycorsis(sp),so he let it go. I had to visit the shore to commune with nature, and while I was gone, he landed a 5 lb.walleye, also with lymphcycorsis. He did not take a pic of it.


    We had more fish on the flashers, but no hook-ups, so we moved around to the other side of the island. First hole my bud fishes, he misses 3 in a row.

    I try 2 holes around him, and nothing. Go to a 3rd hole, and that's where I spent almost the rest of the day. Fish constantly on the flasher. Not always hitting, but enough hits and activity to keep me occupied. Finished my limit in this hole, all around 14", bud with other flasher managed to complete his limit also, and bud without flasher finished his limit around 4pm.


    Some pics of the day, it was windy a bit, which was annoying, but not unbearable, it even snowed lightly on us in the early morning.






    One of the fish I released.



    Our success,12 walleye and one nice perch.



    On the way back.



    In one spot, open water on a rocky point.



    No increase of inches for Team 6 today, but one heckuva nice day out. I think we landed about 30 fish today, just lots of under slot fish(13" minimum on this lake.)Hope we can get one last laker trip in next weekend, if the temps allow it and the ice thickness holds.

  5. Let's give the authorities some time to work. This was only reported to them this morning.


    Call the press in and the property owner will be hiding behind a wall of lawyers slowing everything down.


    Yeah, until their opposition hears about it. Lets face it, if it was indeed the mayor who did this, he or she had opposition in the election. The opposition will jump all over this given the chance to. How much the party in question could deflect toward the contractor remains to be seen.

  6. Yup, an 'el nino year again. A bud of mine pointed out to me when this happens, we typically get less snowfall. But, this year is ridiculous.

    I am enjoying it though, just does not bode well for fish that spawn in the spring unless we get rain, and lots of it.


    A few years ago, guys were out fishing on open water before the walleye season closed mid April for a month and a bit. Probably going to be the same thing this year unless the temps dip.

  7. Find someone who pours their own sinkers and donate the lead to them. Quite a few specialty fishing shops participate in used fishing line recycling.

    Call them to find out if they participate or not. The lead can be dropped off at local landfills in the hazardous waste section. Just be sure to mark it as lead.

  8. What brand and model was it. Most are dry nitrogen filled(and some float), the SD card slot would be the only issue. But that would only provide the water access to the contacts of the SD card. The Battery compartments on most GPS units(including mine) have a seal to prevent water from invading for a certain amount of depth. Have him check his manual, or go online to find it out. The batteries will short out really fast, but the unit might not suffer any damage.


    If you do retreive it, do what people do with cell phones that go to the depths, bury them in rice. It absorbs water. Leave it in there for a week. Remove the SD card and battery(s) before doing so, and DO NOT TRY TO TURN IT ON. Can't hurt, but still may not help. A bud of mines daughter dropped hers into a full jug of draft beer. He was able to recover pics off of the compact flash card, but the camera did not survive because she did try to turn it on after the dunking. It would power up, but the display was toast.

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