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Posts posted by tjsa

  1. Using a few internet site fish weight calculators, using only length measurement cause thats what my buds did, with their guesstimate on total length, that fish was anywheres from 15-21 lbs. :lol:


    My guesstimate..............16 lbs.


    My bud does not care, he landed and released a really nice sized pike, and has pictures to back it up.

  2. Sorry, no photos, didn't take any, unusual for me.


    We went after walleye to a lake north of us.


    We set up off a point in 12 ft. of water, and I had a hit within 10 min. Nothing there, reset the line, and no action, pull it up, no minnow, so put another one on. No further action from that set line.

    My bud, gets a hit on his set line, and out comes a 10" perch. He kept that one, and reset. He had constant fish following his presentations on his vexilar, but nothing would commit. My other bud then gets a 9" perch, puts that one back. Slack time, no hits for a bit, then my other bud gets a couple of its, but no hookups.

    I had moved shallower, and had a tap, but nothing else. Then my other bud lands an 8" walleye. Shortly after that, I land an 8" walleye.

    Continue jigging in this hole, and 15 min. later a solid hit, it goes apeshit, and I figger I know what I have on. Sure enough, about a 2.5-3 lb. pike. Not what I am targeting, get the hook out and back down the hole.


    A short time later, still jigging in this same hole, the line feels heavy, slooooooowly pull up, feel weight, and set the hook. Feels like a nice fish, get it into the hole, and see it coming up, and.............."what the heck is that"(that went through my mind in a split second) then the fishes mouth breaks the surface of the hole, and the jig comes flying out, and I dive for it.


    Its really amazing how a 2.5 lb fish can turn in an 8" hole to get away, went right around my hand that was fully immersed in the water.

    It was a nice size whitefish, but I missed landing it, expletive deletive!!!!!! That one would have been nice to bake.


    Not too much happened at this spot after that, so we moved(it was only 5 pm) and set up at the south end of the lake. Within 10 min. of setting up(during setting up, we did not have all our lines in yet) my bud gets a 13.5" walleye, then shortly after that, lands another about 14.5, and I miss a fish on a set line.

    That was almost all the action for the rest of the day into darkness, but the bud who got the walleye did manage to get one more jigging and missed a couple of other hits, the other bud got a pike, and I missed one fish near darkness.


    and.........I am still ticked about losing that whitefish, :lol: :lol:


    On another note, my buds were out fishing into the night a couple of weeks back, and not too long before sunset got this fish:




    We have a gaff made from a hockey stick, with one of the MNR stick on 36" tape measures wrapped around it, and this fish was probably 3" past that at best guess. No girth measurement, but a nice pike(as far as pike go, :lol: ), nonetheless.

  3. Won't mention the lake, not because its any secret, never been here before myself although its been a destination for ........................oh.............20 yrs. Its just a small lake that could not sustain pressure if fished heavily. I'll leave it at that, like it or not.


    Didn't leave town early, loaded up at 7 am(2 hrs. earlier is the usual for us, :lol: )

    Got in, run around the lake looking at potential spots for 15 min.. Settle on the south side.

    After drilling 12 holes, one bud set a set line, and me and our other bud just jig.


    Guess who gets the first fish?????????????

    Mikey, on the set line.





    Then a bit later Gord is dropping his white tube jig down a hole, and notices a blip on his Vex. Stops it, and

    gives it a jig.

    BAM!!!!!!, 10 ft. down in 22 ft. of water, and a nice 5 lb'r. is landed. I tried to get a good pic of it coming out

    of the hole, but my camera would not focus that fast, only caught the tail, :lol:


    Just missed it.


    Twas a nice fish though, best of the day.



    These fish came about 15 min. apart, the first by Mike about 10 am, Gord's about 10:18, then, my first.

    about 10:30. Similar in size to Mike's, just a nice size for eating.




    We each landed another laker, but no pictures. Mike thought he had a really nice one on, but it turned out to

    be a pike, out of 22 ft. of water. Not that I care much for pike, but this fish had some really nice distinct markings on it, completely different from walleye lakes. But my camera was in the sleigh as we had changed locations, and we did not want to put undo stress on the fish, so we all worked together to get it back into the lake in good shape.

    I gotta say, the pike, which was probably in the slot for release, co-operated with us famously, the stinger hook was fairly deep, but not in any vital areas, and it did not thrash around at all. Hooks are out, bye bye, take care now, get bigger for someone else biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif


    And, the scenic pic.



    Done for now, hope you enjoy.

    I think I have now caught up with previous fishing trips, more to come, including a report from later today, another day into night trip for walleye, watch for it Saturday.



  4. Haven't been to this part of this lake for quite some years, but brought back memories of long past. Was quite a bumpy ride down though, the moguls(wind-drifts) were 2 ft. high at times, and hard as rock it seemed.


    Holes drilled, couple of set lines in, and the jigging starts.

    Mike hard at it:


    Gord, changing presentations yet again, had some follows but nothing would commit to them:


    Forgot how darned big this lake is:


    Full zoom, 10X, another angler south of us:


    The shoreline we last fished about 15 yrs. ago, maybe more, the SE shoreline.


    One of the moguls in between me and my bud's sled, it was almost 3 ft. high, pic does not do it justice.


    Wind shaped snow on the lake.



    Again, pic does not do it justice, both of those had troughs almost 2 ft. deep.

    Shoreline pic, I guess when the ice was forming, and when the winds were up, ice falls off of the cedars.

    It was in the shadow of the sun, so the pic is a bit blueish.



    Oh, fish pictures, have some.

    Mike's 2nd one, first was released, a small one. This one is a keeper, and has been tagged, info on its way to the MNR.





    Oh yeah, I gots a couple also, photo taken after landing them, caught 15 min. apart nears about 2:15-2:30 pm, lost 3 earlier in the day, 2 on the set line, one jigging.



    We had a couple of guys who were just out bombing around on their machines come up to us from the south end, and in the time we were talking to them, thats when I landed my 2 fish. Our other bud had gone off to check out some holes other anglers north of us had been fishing, then left, and he landed 2 also.


    Almost all the fish came out of 60-65 ft. of water for us this day, the ones our bud landed north of us were in almost 90 ft. of water.


    Hope you enjoyed the report.



  5. I believe the translation is Lake of the Thousand Lakes.


    Could be, this lake has a multitude of islands on it, back bays, etc., if you don't have a map you can easily get lost on this lake first time there. I have been fishing this lake for over 30 yrs., even made a canoe trip through it way back when, and still have only seen maybe half of the lake, its that big.

  6. I mostly troll worm harnesses in summer for walleye, and hot pink can be a killer some days. In very clear lakes up here that have walleye, dark purple w/red beads will out-fish any other presentation so far as we have experienced.

  7. Nice fish! Where did you hook those? I'm going to try Bronte tomorrow, any suggestions on tackle or tecnique?


    My guess would be..........in the mouth.......... :lol:


    Great report Cliff and well done by you and Bly. I have never fished for steelhead in the dark, in over 30 yrs. of fishing for them.

  8. Sheesh first smallies now burbot, changing times I guess. Guess I should find some burbot recipes before we head up for this years trip.


    Yup, someone put smallies in Lac, AND in Whitefish if you haven't heard yet. Did some research, and burbot have always been in Lac, just this year it seems that way more anglers are catching them, so I think its just a big couple of year classes for them.


    Smallies on the other hand, are not native to this waterbody, and time will tell whether or not they will co-exist with the walleye. They do so further south, in the lower Boreal region and Quetico area, but thats been the case since the ice age ended.


    AND.......have you heard, some idiot put Bluegills in Head Lake, north of Whitefish, a traditional speck fry stocked lake, say goodbye to the specks.

  9. :lol: dogs just do not know any better, they just do what they want to do, and its often quite entertaining. I especially liked the video portion when the dog was traveling back toward the camera, ears flopping above the snow load with its head barely visible, creating a wave of snow ahead of him/her.

    I would not want to dry him, or her, off, before coming back in the house though, that looks like a lot of work!!!!!!!

  10. Well Lac des Milles Lac is what about 20 mintues from the easter/central timezone line so that might account for them not knowing when to properly start the bite :). Nice fish there TJ, I had no idea there were Burbot in Lac, go figure (I've fished there on and off since I was a kid but never more than a couple days a year).


    You know, I have also never in over 30 yrs. of fishing this lake, ever heard about burbot in this lake also. It does not surprise me that they are in there, but until last december, thats when I heard of someone catching one. Then my bud and I were out in late december, between christmas and new year, and he landed one right off of pine point.

    Since then, I have seen many reports about people catching burbot, even in 7 ft. of water, and the one I got was out of 11 ft. of water. Usually these fish come out of deeper water, but there must be a population explosion of them, so many people are catching them now.

  11. Yes, that bites for sure. Hope you get lucky and get everything back intact.

    I do not leave my house/car/truck/shed/toys keys in my office, they are on of those small mini-carabiners you can buy from almost anywhere, clipped onto one of my belt loops of my jeans, all day, along with my work keys. I jingle and jangle walking around my workplace, our local university, but I know where they are at all times. Sometimes, if I do not have them clipped to my belt loop for whatever reason, I feel like something familiar is missing.

    Maybe thats why I walk with a lean to the right all the time, :lol:

  12. Plump eye there TJ.


    Seems you and I pretty much do it up the same. And the 4:10 bite... damn man, did these fish not pay any attention to daylight savings time. it was 4:10 in February, they should be on 5:10 now.


    I do not think anybody told them about the "new" time change in October(or was it in November?????), mistakes will be made, others will be blamed. Shouldn't the MNR have informed the fish?????????? :lol:

  13. Hit the road at the crack of...........1pm :lol:

    Got to a point down near Reserve Point and all set up by 3:45pm. Set lines in, and jigging in the rest. Tried a couple of different holes ranging from 20 ft. to 11 ft. Half an hour later I get a solid hit, and knew by the weight it was a decent fish.


    21 inches, and thick.









    As my bud was taking the photos of my fish he sees his set line take a hit, and landed a 15" walleye. Sorry, I didn't get a pic of it.

    Shortly after my first walleye, I get another tap, and set the hook hard......missed it...........reel in slack line.......feel weight........set hook, slack line............reel in...........feel weight...............set hook again,...................and out the 15 ft. hole comes a decent 10.5 inch perch. I had been yanking it up through the water column so hard and fast I thought I had lost it.




    My two fish of the day




    This all happened between 4:10-4:20 pm, then everything shut down, no bites, almost nothing on my buds vexilar.

    My other bud who got the walleye right after me got a perch around 7 pm, but that was it until around 8:30 pm, when my bud with the vexilar

    had a fish show up, but could not entice them to bite. He had one suddenly show up and got it just shortly after, a nice one around 15.5 inches.

    We all now had one walleye.

    I got another hit on the jig. Out the hole it came and it looked like a nice one about 16" in the deepening dark, until I saw the shape of the tail. Burbot, darn :w00t:

    Thought of keeping it, but I had enough fish with the walleye and perch, so put it back.

    My bud with the vex then misses 2 more fish, just could not get a solid hookup.

    We called it a day at 8:50 and packed up for the 14 km ride back up the lake. It was an easy ride back up in the dark, as there were clear skies and a 5/8ths moon, you could see both shorelines even right in the middle of the lake at 9 pm and the narrowest section is 1.5 km wide, a full hour after the sun had gone down over the horizon, and also follow the lights of the huts back up the lake, at least on the weekend.


    Final pics, Lac Sunset at 8 pm.







  14. Sheesh, not a good thing to happen to anyone, must have been a dramatic experience for you the moment it happened. Glad it all worked out. I do not drive out on ice very much any more, maybe once every 3 yrs., snowmobiles are much easier to get out of those situations or completely avoid them happening, but I know the ice conditions on certain lakes ahead of time from previous visits to offset the chance of that situation happening to me.

    Last time on the ice for me in my truck was 2 yrs. ago, when it was almost 3 ft. thick, in mid-march, with no snow load left on the ice.

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