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About rdjrowley

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  1. Halton Conservation advertise (TROUT) in Kelso. Laugh out loud or just maybe cry! They have not stocked any trout in this pot hole in (25)years.
  2. Why does Kelso continue to advertise trout fishing, when Halton Conservation denies stocking this pot hole for the past (20) years.
  3. They have not STOCKED KELSO in (20) years. The guy who is in charge of conservation Halton. is fat fat slob who only goes to free lunches paid by people who pay very high prices for no services at these parks. If the sportsman club did not put rainbow trout in the Milton pond each year the kids wpuld not have any local fishing in Milton. The Chairman, Mr. g. Carr and the Mayor Mr. G. Grants are out of touch and only interested in what brings in the money like the ski hills.
  4. Many people(HARPER) ordinary people were happy (2)weeks back with the election. Mr. Harper has been the guy cheer leading these price increases (2cents) per litre every week this year. We can't afford this government for (4years) not even (4) more months. The states are paying (85cents) a litre for gas.
  5. This great majority government was put in place by (OIL). They will and always be about the price of gas, Hold onto your walets the next (4)years.
  6. Be aware that Harper keeps talking about NATION BUILDING and (CORP/TAX) breaks for banks and oil companies. Watch the price of gas rise and support Mr. Harper.
  7. Gentalmen these polititans are paid by us. The guys who pay for everything. Including corporate welfare to the Steve Harper goverment. These people need to be told every chance we get. It's the only way they know we are paying atttention. I say if they ask for your vote, we ask them why would I vote for someone who will not make the price of gas a priority.
  8. The oil companies are going to charge all they can get from all of us. My question is why we pay more than customers in the good old USA. Mr. Harper states we are better off (Bull)!. He gets elected because of the big money from Alberta and Corperate greed. These people will cost us many more thousands of jobs and much more if they are in power and don't stop this fraud.
  9. Halton Conservation is run by B. Penman and as I have stated here before , he has no respect for fishing. Just look what they have done for fishing in all the Halton Parks. The fact that they have the nerve to charge anything for what they do is beyond belief. I have been a resident and fisherman for more than (50) years here in Halton and if wasn't for the sportsman club and volunteers there would be no fishing at all available here in Halton. If anything HCA has destroyed more fish opportunities than all other problems,( joe public or industry has.) Rdj
  10. As I told you before on this lake you need electronics to be sucessful (50%) of your outings or like the post below, you know the lake very well from prior sucess, this is a large lake. Again no pictures either as lake trout here are small. When you find the fish on an overcast day you can fish as shallow as (8-10)feet because drop off points can be as much as (72)feet only (10)feet from shore.
  11. Kelso is operated by Halton Conservation Authority and the chair is B. Penman and he has no use for fishing. They have not put fish in the water for more than (10) years. They also take the lake down far too much each fall for fish to do well. They also have had the Town of Milton install so many no parking signs on all roads near Kelso, Hilton Falls. and Twelve and Sixteen mile creeks that this should be called eviro sign dumping all to get more bucks at Conservation park gates. The only fishing left now is the stcking by the Sportsman Club in Milton Mill pond. These guys are the best and raise all the money themself. The Town of Milton gets a ton of money each year from Mohawk and Mr. Penmam is also a councilor. They just don't care about the fishing opportunity they could provide when the Sportsmen Club does it for free. Great spring water flows into Kelso and this water shed is not being managed to provide any fishing at Kelso. That being said, you will catch perch. sunfish. catfish. bass, and suckers all season long. Again however these fish are all very small because of lake management.
  12. This is a big lake and fish are small, you will need (Fish Finder) electronics is key on this lake The lake has large population of small (smallmouth bass) you can catch one pounders of any rock. Population of lake trout very few.
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