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About juan96

  • Birthday 03/24/1967

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  • Interests
    Golf, Fishing, Kayak, Game

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Hello I want to double check that tomorrow is opening day for pike fishing in Toronto Island? I believe Toronto Island is Zone 20. right? Any body know good fishing spot for pike in Toronto Island?
  2. Hello I have plan paddling to Toronto Island this Saturday and fishing for Trout. But I wondering if I catch the pike by mistake, is it illegal? Toronto Island is Zone 20 and pike will be open 1st Sat in May but Trout is now open. I catch and release all the time so should be no issue?
  3. Hello I planning kayaking to Toronto island from Toronto harbor this Saturday. Anybody know where I can park my vehicle ? Also is it open pike fishing in Toronto island now?
  4. Hello I have plan to rent houseboat for 4 days on north Ontario area from July 15 - 18. I found some houseboat rental site but they have only weekly rental or almost $1600 for 4 days. Anybody know good and cheap houseboat rental shop around $600 for 4 days?
  5. Thanks
  6. Hi I agreed with you and didn't catch anything in belwood last Saturday. Because of jetski and motor boat.. Crazy ... Do you have any hotspot in Guelph lake? I'll try to pike fishing on this Saturday.
  7. Hello I headed to Belwood lake last Saturday but nothing catched. Anybody has depth chart for Belwood lake or good fishing point? I will try again this Saturday morning.
  8. Thanks all. I gave up my schedule but trout season will be open from this 4th Saturday on zone 17. I will try to catch trout. Thanks.
  9. I always catch n release also never bring the fish so far. Even though if I catch and release, it still illegal?
  10. Hi I have finished installing my GPS,Fish Finder and Rod as shown. Anybody know hot spot for Pike and walleye in Belwood lake? I'll go there this Saturday. Or other lake is Ok for pike and walleye in spring season around GTA area.
  11. Thanks for reply but.. I'm not newb and I tried few years for salmon and trout.. Anybody can link Google map for exact place , e.g. where I have to park my car and where I have to down .. the river is not short.. too long.. and I have no idea where I have heading...
  12. Hi I'll visit Collingwood next week but didn't tried fishing there yet. Any information is welcome for Salmon or Trout fishing... Notawasaga river is good for Trout or Salmon?
  13. I have SIT tandem Kayak and I enjoy fishing with Kayak. Before I have purchase the Kayak, I usually do fishing on Canoe but I changed to Kayak. The main reason to change to Kayak is wind. I always go fishing myself but when the wind speed is over 20km/s , I can't control canoe. But Kayak is very fast and good for solo paddling . If you go fishing yourself, I recommend Kayak but for over 2 person, Canoe is better. I have no idea about SOT Kayak but looks nice for fishing.
  14. Hi Anybody know where I head up for walleye fishing around Hamilton area. I know Caledonia Dam is one of good point but let me know if you guys know other good point. I'll bring my float reel and have plan to use leech for bait.. is it good plan??
  15. Still snowing North area? When summer is started?
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