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About john_C

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  1. After seeing the multitude of post from Dunnville, I couldn't help it anymore... I'm going this weekend for my fish Channel Cat outing ever. From what i've been reading Fresh cut bait seems the best.. Is there a baitstore there I can buy a couple suckers, as I'm sure now you can't use fish from other water bodies. And i'll be fishing from shore: Where can you park and where is your best bet to catch them. Any help will be most appreciated
  2. A lot can and does happen in a span of 16 years, so as much as i agree with hard facts, and scientific data. If the last real study on cormorants was 16 years ago, isn't it time they do a more current assessment. In this matter though, as someone stated above, it's a matter of common sense! Closed beaches, dwindling fish populations, bullying other native birds off nesting site, habitat and vegetation destruction etc.. Can't be ignored... Do these extreme activist even see any of this? Most likely not... All they see is the killing of a cute feathery animal.... Ignoring all the negative affects the species is having on the native environment. But HEY... it's a cute BIRD!!!!! Why not defend the Round Goby??? Not cute enough for you .. They'll be the first to your boat to protest when killing a cormorant, but will they be they when your culling Gobies from Lake Erie... HEll NO.... If your going to jump on the bandwagon and be the defenders of God's creatures, no matter how justifiable it is to cull that species. Why discriminate and only stand up for cute animals you can use as poster child. Imagine Bono and Madonna, starting an activist campaign for Zebra mussels! LIke hell that's going to happen, can't market themselves with that species like they can with a cute little harp seal pup! Some people should stick to their bloody day jobs, and let the people who've gone to school for this stuff do what they need to do...
  3. A lot can and does happen in a span of 16 years, so as much as i agree with hard facts, and scientific data. If the last real study on cormorants was 16 years ago, isn't it time they do a more current assessment. In this matter though, as someone stated above, it's a matter of common sense! Closed beaches, dwindling fish populations, bullying other native birds off nesting site, habitat and vegetation destruction etc.. Can't be ignored... Do these extreme activist even see any of this? Most likely not... All they see is the killing of a cute feathery animal.... Ignoring all the negative affects the species is having on the native environment. But HEY... it's a cute BIRD!!!!! Why not defend the Round Goby??? Not cute enough for you .. They'll be the first to your boat to protest when killing a cormorant, but will they be they when your culling Gobies from Lake Erie... HEll NO.... If your going to jump on the bandwagon and be the defenders of God's creatures, no matter how justifiable it is to cull that species. Why discriminate and only stand up for cute animals you can use as poster child. Imagine Bono and Madonna, starting an activist campaign for Zebra mussels! LIke hell that's going to happen, can't market themselves with that species like they can with a cute little harp seal pup! Some people should stick to their bloody day jobs, and let the people who've gone to school for this stuff do what they need to do...
  4. Looking to head somewhere for panfish and Crappie this weekend,, already been to Keswick and Holland enough times. Want to try some place new. IS Christie open for fishing this time of year, and what species can be caught in there... I looked for info on Google, all the pages i found mentioned only the Trout ponds for kids... What can be caught in the Lake.. and is it worth to try, or is it fished out like a lot of other conservation areas like Albion HIlls?
  5. Oh ,, Too correct my past reply... I got Charlie Moore Confused with Dave Mercer... Couldn't understand why people were bashing him.. Now that I've corrected myself, I agree.. Charlie Moore is a goof LOl... Dave Mercer i think is the most informative show out there now.
  6. I have to agree with ADB a couple replies ago... It's interesting to see other local fishing holes, just to see what fish are swimming in other local waters.... Besides, these are the areas where the majority of people into the sport of fishing can go. Besides... At least his show is more realistic, rather than a lot of the other shows who always go up to northern lakes making us all envy when they bring in catches of 50 - 100 walleyes a day.... If only we could all just pick up and go up to Great Slave Lake or Temagami as frequent as those host can.... And i actually find Charilie Moore one of the better and more informative shows,... What wrong with Charlie Moore!!!! Beside the Demonic Laugh lol
  7. Damn......... Why haven't I been down to the Grand yet this time of year! What outfit and line test did you use to reel those in?
  8. I've been patient.. Waiting for the waters to warm. Think it's about time to start the season off this weekend.... Really first time out, I'm looking for anythign that bites. Preferably Crappie or Perch, Rock bass.. I won't get picky! i like like consistency ! i fly fish resident trout in streams, so steelheading is not really my thing.. last time i tried it I got to see more fights than a UFC event.. Not my idea of a relaxing fishing trip !! Lol Has anyone had luck on the Holland yet? I driven by it, it's pretty much free of ice, but last i heard the fish haven't moved up yet. Keswick i know will be frozen till about mid April. Any insight or ideas will be greatly appreciated !
  9. My issue on this is that for those of us who DO FOLLOW THE REGS.. The few Misfits out there ruin it for us all !!! As a shore fishermen I'm noticing more and more fishing spots I regularly go to get closed down due to the few individuals who take it for granted. It's just the easier thing to do I guess. In this country lately as the Ministry has experienced major cutbacks, conservation seems to have taken a step back. So rather than implementing new and tougher laws to inhibit such acts of poaching, or at least enforce the laws we already have in place, it's easier to simply close the fishing spot for everyone; including the more than 90% of those who do respect the regulations... Of course another reason for the closure of these areas is due to the overwhelming amount of garbage left by those same ignorant individuals.. Of course that's another Topic altogether!
  10. By the looks of things as Montreal and Florida Tank... The Leafs or Sens might (with a big of a miracle) sneak in to that final playoff spot...
  11. Oh it's going to be routine now... Just like checking company e-mail, I'm going to have to visit this board on a daily basis.. I will have plenty of pictures to show this year !!! I was surprised to see that the Holland is already free of ice. Problem is this bloody inconsistent weather... plus 8 one day, -4 this morning.. By the end of the week, after the warm rains on WEDS and the double digit temps on the latter half of the week, the Crappie should be up by next week... I'm losing Patience olol
  12. Hey I'm new here. First post of what most likely would be many more to come! Last year i just started a business, so fishing took a step back last summer. Now that everything is stabilized and the ball is rolling, I have a whole years of fishing to make up for .. Now that that's out of the way... I'm really itching to get some Crappie and other good sized panfish... I live in Vaughan and usually go to the Holland... I've been hearing good things about Christie Reservoir and Waterford Lakes. Any other good shore fishing areas to go for Crappie and Panfish? I do practice catch and release 95% of the times.. the other 5% is when i want to bring home a few Crappie, Sunnies for a good evening meal after fishing.
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