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Posts posted by ckrb2007

  1. Great report and video , love the lakers :good: What do think of those rapala R type rods ? I guess it handled those lakers pretty good , I was thinking on getting one .

    I'm loving the r-type rods. Grabbed 6 last year in various sizes. 32mh, 36h and 42h. I like the 32mh for in the hut and the 36h for outside. they have a great handle and big eyelets.....and tons of backbone.

  2. Well I'm sure all of you know it was complete mayhem out there this weekend so I figured I'd put in my 2 cents worth. I went out the entire weekend, met some board members out there and fished with my "normal" fishin' buddy, Todd. Had a blast as always hooking into lots-o-lakers. Todd managed one whitey for table fare and I went 0-4 on the buggers. I know all of you like looking at the fish porn so here ya go. It's pic heavy and in no particular order. I also threw in a little video. It's my first attempt with Sony Vegas or any other editing software so be gentle! :)







  3. My original plan was to head north with Kenzy31 (Jesse) to search for some back lakes but with the weather being less then favourable for icefishermen, we had to cancel. I got a call late in the week from my buddy, Todd saying that he was pulling his boat out of the barn and wanted to know if I was in. "I'm in".....flu and all.
    We got to the launch at around 8am in Barrie and were surprised to see all the boats. Guess we weren't the only mental ones. We got the boat in the water and made the 13km run out to the mouth of the bay. Conditions were pretty good, with it getting choppy only when you leave the bay due to the south winds.
    The fishing wasn't too bad. We ended up with 2 lakers, which went back and 3 whiteys for the table. All whiteys were taken with a Williams and the lakers with a white tube.


    Here's the porn......


    Todd's whitey....a nice long one. 36" according to his tape. hahahaaha

    My Whiteys

    ...and here's the tank I got. We figure it went about 15lbs.





  4. I had a run in with a fox one day while working on Base Borden. Came right out in front of me so I kind of stomped my foot and yelled at it. Well didn't the little bugger charge me. Came right up to within 5ft then turned and ran off. I almost had to use the "boot wrench" on him. :)

  5. I have petro points, esso extra and aeroplan in my work truck. I put in approx $120 every day and a half(not my $$$...company gas card). I use my petro points for gas cards for my oldest son(university student), esso extra points for cases of water and havent checked my aeroplan miles yet. lol

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