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Posts posted by hockeyplayerz_14

  1. When you can toss a rock on the ice, and it doesn't make any noise at all.. then maybe it's ready for a test.


    That ping noise it cool eh! But is means the ice is super thin. The ice was making that noise in Bancroft a few weeks back. We sat there for 30 minutes tossing rocks.


    Ya thats what I also thought. But as you can see, I was there for a good 20 mins. tossing rocks :whistling:

  2. Hey everyone I have not been talking as much as I would like to but I got a nice pic of me and my buddy out on Lake Simcoe just in front of Lagoon City. We went out at about 8am, and the water was dead calm. We went for a little spin and stuck on the side of a shore wall and had a HUGE bass on but he dove in between the rocks and swam back and my braid rubbed against the rock and broke. I was really mad after that so I finally got 1 more after that. Here he is.




  3. Hey everyone,




    As some of you may know I am apart of the Barrie Jr. bass masters and this coming Sunday is our first qualifier in Gloucester Pool. We launch out of Port Severn. We are in desperate need of 3 more boats in order run this tournament. Blast off is at 730 and it ends a 2 pm. I hope we can get enough boats to run this tournament.




    Please reply or pm me and I will give you the directors email.









  4. I just quickley checked it out and my dad and I were looking at it for our boat because we hit bottom a few times and instead of replacing the whole prop we were going to buy it so we can just change one wing. Next time we hit bottom on simcoe we took of our prop and looked at it and realized when you hit the whole prop needs to be replaced if you want top performance. I don't know what the performace is but that's why we did not buy it.

  5. OH YEAH DAD nice rod and reel its a steel for $400 i cant belive it, mine was $100 and yours is $400 nice deal and not to mention ax 720. its good until i break like the others i have to manged to do so. i will not even think abou trying it because my BPS MEGA CAST rod is just fine. I love my BPS brand but you can have that until it goes for a swim.

  6. Today was my last day out on simcoe. It was fun and thank god we got on safe and off safe. We went up to maple view but no entrance or exit so we moved south. Next we hit lock hart and no go there either so we kept going until IBP were we got off and unloaded. We marked many fish and lost a few but we had a blast. My dad (motion) just bought me an x67c so i was excited and wanted to go so bad but we saw the weather would of been terrible. the ice was very soft and there are a lot of holes especially were there were huts. This year was a great year for me and my dad. we just got introduced to white fish and lakers. I love the big game so next year will be better hopefully. Tell me how your year was?

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