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Posts posted by hockeyplayerz_14

  1. Hey everyone. Thanks for all your condolences. My dad was not like any other man. He loved fishing with a passion. I know he couldent tell you guys but I know he loved all of you guys here on the OFC. He would always be reading post and talking about them. It's. Very hard for me cause I lost my best fishing partner. I miss him already and the fishing season hasent even started. Rip dad I love you

  2. Since it is your dad buying the phone or paying for the plan it is HIS choice on what phone he gets for you. If he decides that you need to be reachable on his dime why should he pay for the upgraded features you want that will cost him more money not only on the purchase of the phone but also monthly. What are you offering him for an upgraded phone and plan? I am sure if you put something on the table that has a monetary value he would be more willing to discuss the phone upgrade. In the end if you have a vested interest in the cost of the phone/plan you will find it a character growing experience that will help you and your dad make future decisions on the expenses of growing up.


    BTW if you go on a public forum and ask a question of this nature and include the details that you have you will get both types of answers... some that will help your cause and some that don't.





    Thanks, my dad offered the iPhone or blackberry and I did my reaserch and i wanted to hear it from people that has the phones and what they think.

  3. My thoughts exactly. Seems like they are never happy. They seem all too happy to spend our money. The problem with choosing either phone is cost of data. They want to use the phone for everything but voice calls and the monthly bills keep going up.


    I know I'm going to age myself; however, I grew up just fine without a cell phone. We just kept a couple of extra dimes in our pocket to call home!


    Oh, by the way, I am fishman2202's dad and I am paying the phone bill........... :w00t:



    you forgot to mention when you guys were young you had to run 6 km in 3 feet of snow to get the fire wood so your house would be warm, right?

  4. hey everyone, my plan is up and I am looking for a new phone. My choices are; iPhone, Blackberry torch or Bold 9780, I want to switch to an iphone becuase i've had a blackberry for 2 years now and I want to switch it up. A few problems I encounter with my blackberry are; music is hard to update, phone freezes, dont recieve some calls, and my biggest issue is broadcast messages, for those of you who have a blackberry you still would not really undersatnd, a broadcast is a message sent to your whole contact list on bbm (blackberry messanger) I would recieve about 10 of these a day (but I also have 200 contacts). The messages are either chain letters (if you dont send this to all your contacts you will have bad luck for the rest of your life) or the other one (add my best friend hes amazing 23y4h5k) dumb messages like this really get on my nerves, the iphone is simply a god, although bbm is good, iphone does not have that (only downfall) I think I can deal with out the broadcasts and just use the simple texting. Bad things about the iphone (correct me if im wrong) the data useage, I talked to a few of my buddies and they say you double click the home button and turn the app off, for emample if I want to see the weather, I open it look at it then close it becuase if its not closed it keeps updating a uses a lot of data, turn it off and youll be fine. next is he battery life on the iphone, I herad its not the greatest. other than that, I believe the iphone is a way better phone and has way better features. My dad (the one paying the phone bill :wallbash: is tottaly against the iphone :blahblah1: . I posted this to prove him wrong! What do you guys think? What do you have?

  5. Hey everyone,


    Finally got out today. Not too far I was only about 10-15 feet away from shore. As I walked towards the shore I found a 2X4 to use as a spud stick. I started banging the wood against the ice and it was not breaking so I stepped on. I got off the ice and saw somebody walked and drilled some holes in the middle. My neighbour walked out, put on his boots and took me out and showed me it’s about 3" of ice! After that he got his metal ice pick and he made a hole for me to fish, sure enough I had a 2-piece rod and took the top and made my rod. :thumbsup_anim: Now its time to fish! :Gonefishing:




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