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Everything posted by twofish

  1. try removeing the fuel lines or shut off fuel supply when you put it back on the trailer.sometimes on carb type motors the float bounces around when your truck'n down the road flooding the engine.i had a black max 50 that took for ever to start at the ramp till i discovered that.plug in fuel line prime the crap out of it crank it and away it would go.
  2. if it's linked to the house it needs foundation (building code). if it's detached slab on grade. the best bang for the buck is future steel buildings sell offs look em up on the web they have packages starting from 4 grand to 50 grand.like the quansit hut they are doit yourself bolt together packages. a 24x 30 garage start to finish is around 30 grand depending on finishes http://futuresteel.com/steel-deals/canadian-clearance-buildings.html
  3. check out the mifi thing from bell i had a demo one for a bit and it worked good.it'll run 5 devices built in router.rural internet sucks. the issues with any cellular internet is wether and peak times will slow it down like when the kids come home from school it slows down.videos and netflix becomes painfull when it's snowing or heavy rain. talk to a bell store i use skylar in brampton on hwy 10 they will give you a demo unit to try before you buy thats truely the only way you'll know how good it'll work
  4. the new jiffys suck they changed the pilot portion of the cutting head ,it ices up and stops cutting.....crap.the older versions with the single arrow head type pilot work great.now the smaller models have that type so i would buy a lightning or one with the older cutting head design.
  5. im not sure of the exact prices but i do know that it costs me around 280.00 a year . this includes -family membership to the club -ofah family membership -rights to all ranges
  6. i'm a member what ya want to know? they have-100yd 50yd and 25 yd rifle range -hand gun range - archery range -3d course - trap 2 ranges -fishing pond full of bows and specks - camping sites
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