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About jasonl

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    ass deep in water

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  1. I also agree with the trades aspect except for a few differences. Make sure you enter into a protected trade, one that you must be lisc. for and is enforced by the ministry of labour or you will find yourself out of a job as anyone can do your job without a lisc or exp. I am an electrician and have been in the trade for 14 yrs. I make good money and never am I out of work BUT I am willing to travel, i'll take the scariest dirtiest jobs but they pay 10G a month and more. I started out at the bottom, slugging materials, trudging thru sewage, climbing thru inches of dirt and dust and working my balls off and more. the apprenticeship years were tough and horrid but they passed quickly. i now get opportunities to work all over and get to choose places that have good fishing. I've been to every province west of ontario and as far north as Nunavut. I get to put more miles in a plane commuting to work than on my jeep. I've met lots of great people and for the most part have had a successful career. and the best part is I was 19 when I started and i'm now only 32 and can do whatever I like in the trade. Make a decision soon and stick to it!!!!
  2. Those cranes are beautiful. I spent the late summer in Nunavut and would stare in awe as sandhill cranes would fly by with their haunting calls. Their mating dance was definately something to behold as they would hop around drunkenly trying to impress their mate... thanks for sharing
  3. Definately invest in winter tires and some sort of weight for the back. I've used peices of slate from an old pool table when I had my E350 as well as sand bags. Be sure to fasten them down good tho. I foound about 300-400 lbs worked good on a 2005 E350 with an extended 10 foot cargo area. I also used to pack some d rings with a recovery strap. $100 for gear that saved me alot in tow fees when I did get stuck...
  4. My Lab is a wicked fisherman, he's caught more chromers than I have, and is the coolest fishing buddy ever!! He doesn't tell anyone when he does better than I do!!!
  5. I live a few blocks from the marina. I'll be flying home tonight and was thinking of heading down to cast some lines tomorrow if the weather co operates. What time are you thinking of going?
  6. well to add some more to it. i've had the boat parked in my driveway for 1.5 yrs, checked for leaks(none), checked the transom(good) cut down the forest and pulled out the flower beds than proceeded to gut the interior. Replaced the floor and rod lockers. purchased new seats and will be rewiring everything this december. As for checking out the motor I tore the cover off, evicted all the wasps, by the time i cleaned up everything I filled a 10 gallon pail with all the wasp remnants. No evidence of mice whatsoever. The reason for the project is this particular boat is what I caught my first fish, a 9lb pickeral on it 20 yrs ago when my uncle bought it new. He passed 2 yrs ago from cancer and myself and my wife and kids cared for him for almost a yr of his last days. This boat has memories past, present and more to come I fly home in 2 weeks after 4 months on the road working so i'll definately pick up some seafoam and some grease as well as an impeller and some lower end lube. keeps the info coming I appreciate it!!! Jason
  7. I inherited a 1989 alumacraft with a 45hp merc on it. It sat in a field for 10 yrs prior to me taking it home now I've been looking for a shop manual for the engine and see several available. I'm decently mechanically inclined but have never touched a 2 stroke in my life. So what would you guys recommend for a shop manual and where would I start on with get this engine started. I haven't even hooked a battery to it yet but I have manually turned it over to check for compression. Thanks and here's some pics http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3755...mp;l=2c91803011
  8. I'm in the process of finishing my basement and am looking for a tin wacker to re-run my duct work who needs a side job. I'm an electrician and am willing to trades services or pay cash. I'll be flying home in about 2 weeks and would like some prices. Anyone interested pm me for details!!!
  9. $800 holy crap I guess I best be quitting drinking.... I'm off to baker lake... Its also a dry town and you have to purchase thru the RCMP. I'm bringing up some Glen Fiddich but not enough to last 3 months...... I'm packing up my gear as I type, just got to stay as light as posible as I like to be able to carry everything myself, including my tools.....
  10. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2805...mp;id=672552135 My buddy came down last night for some canoe fishing for largies but with all that wind we decided to shore fish in a lil spot by my place for some rumours of pickeral. 20 mins in Andrew hooks into some dinner caught on a five of diamonds 6lbs, 25" I got a sheephead on a red devil but nothing else so after an hour we headed home to avoid the storm... Hopefully when I get to nunavut I can get out to cast a few lines
  11. congrats
  12. check out the "backroad mapbooks" they have alot of trail info. As well look for some crown land maps to show some of the popular trails..hth
  13. I spent a winter in fort mac and another in grande prairie so it shouldn't be tooooo bad
  14. haha yeah most likely, actually i'm an electrician and i'll be taking care of some govt housing projects
  15. I got on offer of 12g a month all expenses covered including flights..... just need to bring my parka!!!!! I'm expecting it to be an experience...
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